
Have got/ Has got

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  • Penguins _________________black and white colors
    have got
  • Have hippos got long arms?
    No, they haven't
  • A monkey___________long arms
    has got
  • Have hippos got big ears?
    No, they haven't
  • Has a mouse got two ears?
    Yes, it has
  • A crocodile_____________long body
    has got
  • Have they got big feet?
    Yes, they have
  • Lions ........ big teeth
    have got
  • Has the elephant got long nose?
    Yes, it has
  • A dog ________________four legs
    has got
  • got small eyes?
  • ............. the lizard got 4 legs?
  • ............giraffes got long neck?
  • ..........they got long arms?
  • Lions.................long hair
    have got
  • Has it got small nose?
    No, it isn't
  • Have they got big ears?
    No, they haven't
  • A cat ____________small nose
    has got
  • ..............they got big bodies?
  • A lizard ................... two eyes
    has got
  • Have tigers got 2 mouths?
    No, they haven't