
Comparatives & Superlatives, & Adverbs

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  • My Chinese is getting ..... and ..... (bad)
    My Chinese is getting WORSE AND WORSE
  • This dress is (beautiful) in the shop
    the most beautiful dress
  • In my opinion, the pink dress ... (much/pretty) the blue one
    is much prettier than
  • Mount Everest (tall) mountain in the world
    Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world
  • My car (not / old) yours
    My car is not as old as yours
  • What is the adverb form of 'EASY'?
  • What is the comparative form of 'FAR'?
    further than, farther than
  • John things that banana cake .... (delicious) than chocolate cake
    is more delicious than
  • I (tall) person in my family
    I am the tallest person in my family
  • Taking a taxi to the airport ... (a lot/cheap) taking a bus to the airport
    a lot cheaper than
  • I think math (difficult) subject.
    is the most difficult
  • Friends are (far / important) money
    far more important than
  • The red sofa is $250. The blue sofa is $500. (cheap)
    The red sofa is much cheaper than the blue sofa.
  • What is the superlative form of 'DIRTY' - spell it
    the dirtiest
  • What is the superlative form of 'GOOD''
    the best
  • Which place do you think (hot) place on earth?
    Which place is the hottest place on earth?
  • Monday is usually (busy) day for me during the week
    the busiest
  • The new job is the _______________ one that I have had. (challenging)
    the most challenging
  • English (not/easy) Italian
    English is not as easy as Italian
  • Asian elephants are heavy, but African elephants are even..... (heavy)
    even heavier
  • Are cats (intelligent) dogs?
    Are cats more intelligent than dogs?
  • What's the mistake? To be frank, this was the most easiest test in this term
    the easiest test
  • Hawaii is (far) from Hong Kong ... Japan
    Hawaii is much FURTHER from Hong Kong THAN Japan
  • Do you think math and science ... (difficult) history and English?
    are more difficult than
  • What's the mistake? He is speaking more slowly and more slowly
    He is speaking slower and slower
  • Last week I had (bad) time of my life
    Las week I had the worst time of my life