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  • Where do you sleep?
    I sleep in my bedroom
  • What time is it?
    It's 2 O'clock
  • What color is the jacket?
    It's red
  • Is this the letter "R"?
    No, it isn't. It's letter "H"
  • What is this?
    It's a soap
  • Is the table soft?
    No, it isn't. It's hard
  • what are you doing?
    I'm brushing my teeth
  • what room is this?
    It's the livingroom
  • Does the Cat start with letter D?
    No, it doesn't. It starts with letter C
  • what is this?
    it's a toothbrush
  • what is this?
    It's a towel
  • what are these?
    These are stairs
  • Is this dress old?
    No, it isn't. It's new
  • How many letter M can you see?
    I can see 1 letter M
  • Where is the towel?
    It's in the bathroom
  • what color is your mom's hair?
    Her hair is black
  • where do you wash your hand?
     I wash my hand in the sink
  • what letter is this?
    It's letter "I"
  • What letter does a Tree start with?
    It's letter T
  • What letter can you see?
    I can see letter K
  • where are they?
    they are in the classroom