
Enter the Portal 1 Unit 7

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  • Can you name 5 things in the bathroom?
    bathtub, shower, washbasin, washing machine, toilet, mirror
  • I need a ________ above my bed for my stuff.
  • I'll _____ my baby brother's _________ on the top shelf.
    put - present
  • Teddy loves sliding down the ________!
  • I have a big box in the _________ with lost of Halloween costumes. Lel's go down there and ______ it ____!
    basement - check it out!
  • This guy is the best dribbler ever. He can pass the ball __________ his legs like a pro.
  • Can you throw the ball right into the _____?
  • My cat likes to _____ _________ the Coke bottle. But I can see him!
    hide behind
  • Do you live in a small _______ or a ______? (Móvár vs NYC)
    small town or a city
  • An apartment in the UK is called a ________.
  • We've got a large _________ with a wonderful sea ______.
    balcony - sea view
  • ________ ____ the START button and enjoy the game!
    Click on
  • How many bedrooms _______ __________ in your new house?
    are there
  • Let's _________ the new sofa together! Which one do you prefer?
  • This crazy guy lies ______ the bus and survives.
  • This girl has a huge ___________. She spends hours ____ ________ ____ it and never knows what to wear.
    wardrobe - in front of
  • Milyen az új osztálytermetek?
    What's your new classroom like?
  • Can you name 5 things in the kitchen?
    table, chairs, fridge, cooker, tap, microwave, cupboard
  • Do you live in a town or in the ___________?
    in the countryside
  • This is my _________. There are three _______ ___ the _______. One of them is my self-portrait.
    There are three pictures on the wall.
  • I don't like the ___________ in my bedroom. I want to buy a new bed and a bedside table too.
  • He's sneaking _________ for a midnight snack.
  • There's a new white ______ on the living room ________, so my dog, Luna shouldn't come in.
    rug - floor
  • Please write the name of this piece of furniture on the board.
    It's a coffee table.
  • ________ _____ a rabbit in our garden. But ________ ___ some hedgehogs.
    There isn't - there are
  • I'm so happy that I sit ______ ____ Sponge Bob in class. He's such a good laugh:)
  • Believe me, _______ ___ somebody in the ______. I heard a strange noise from up there last night.
    there is - attic
  • Can you name 5 things in the living room?
    armchair, sofa, coffee table, wardrobe, desk, lamp
  • Today is Thursday, __________ is Friday.
  • ___ ________ a clock on the wall in our new classroom?
    Is there
  • This is the ______ of my _________!
    house of my dreams
  • _________ house has got a games room?
  • Name 3 fruits or vegetables which go with AN. (Extra points for more)
    avocado, orange, apple, apricot, olive
  • i've got a __________ for you, bro! (Red Ferrari in the garage.)
  • My kitty loves to play ____ ________ ____ the ________. She thinks she has a friend who looks exactly the same.
    in front of - mirror
  • I think there's ____ animal in _____ __________.
    an animal in the garage
  • How much does it _______? It's too ___________.
    How much does it cost? It's too expensive.
  • Hány játékos van egy kosárcsapatban? (+answer)
    How many players are there in a basketball team? There are 5.
  • My bookcase is _____. There's no place for any more books.
  • I ______ have 20 coins and the table costs 25.
  • Katie's mum is ____ ________.
    a nurse