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  • What is the largest star ever discovered?
    UY Scuti
  • Which 2 elements were created during the big bang?
    Hydrogen and Helium
  • When hydrogen is fused together in stars, what does it become?
  • What do stars form from?
    Molecular clouds
  • Nitrogen, Oxygen, and _______ are created during the Helium burning process.
  • 65% of our bodies are made of _______.
  • What do we call a baby star?
    A protostar
  • What force pulls matter together to create stars and planets?
  • What do we call the creation of heavy elements in stars?
    Stellar Nucleosynthesis
  • How do massive stars die?
    A giant explosion called a supernova
  • When atoms are fused together, ______ is released in the form of heat and light.
  • What is the longest stage of a stars life?
    the main sequence
  • Which stars create heavier elements like calcium and iron?
    Massive stars
  • What is a star?
    A giant, glowing, ball of gas in space
  • Silicon burning makes many heavy elements including ______ that makes up our bones.
  • What word means the creation of atoms?
  • Once average stars have finished burning hydrogen, they get bigger and turn into ______.
    Red supergiant stars
  • The centre of a star is called the _____.
  • Where do the atoms that make up our world and everything in it come from?
    Stars and the big bang
  • What was the first element in the universe?
  • 90% of stars in the universe are ____________ stars.
    Main sequence