
Human Rights

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  • Spain's ... was approved in a referendum in 1978
    Political Reform Act
    Democratic election
  • Name three human rights
  • What is an example of privilege?
    You have a lot of money & have access to better education
    You studied a lot a got a higher mark than your friends
    You practice a sport and win the tournament
  • True or False: Your right to have an opinion means that you can say whatever you want, whenever you want, to anyone you want, however you want
  • The Transition was: The period after ...'s death and the process of changing the government from a ... to a ... .
    Franco - dictatorship - democracy
    Juan Carlos 1 - democracy - dictatorship
    Franco - democracy - dictatorship
    Adolfo Suarez - dictatorship - democracy
  • You have a right to a nationality. Your obligation is to:
    Respect other families
    Help build a more equal society
    Eat healthy foods
    Listen to others
  • In 1977, 2 years after Franco's death, Spain's parliament created ... to exempt people from previous criminal activity and allow exiled people to return to Spain
    a referendum
    a parliamentary monarchy
    the right to veto
    an amnesty law
  • What right(s) are being violated?
    Right to security of person; to a safe home/shelter; property
  • Your obligation is to eat healthy foods and not waste. What is your right?
    Right to food/not starve
  • This branch of government EVALUATES laws
  • The basic principle of human rights is:
    "Illegal immigrants" do not have access to human rights
    Human rights are privileges, so they can be revoked
    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity & rights
  • Inequality is....
    a lack of balance between two or more things
    hating one group of people
    getting paid the same amount for the same work
  • What right(s) are being violated?
    Right to gender equality
  • This branch of governement MAKES laws
  • Democracy or Dictatorship? A state with a single political party - Use of military force - Repression of human rights
  • What groups are entrusted to protect rights and security?
    Security - Government - Defensor del Pueblo
    Government - Educators - Firefighters - Defensor del Pueblo
    Security - Government - Civil Defenders - Educators
  • What right(s) are being violated?
    Right to freedome of expression/opinion
  • You have the right to an eduction. What is your obligation?
    Go to school, be a good student, do your work
  • The ... removed Franco-era institutions and helped to start Spain's transition to democracy.
    Political Reform Act
    Amnesty Law
    Civil War
  • What is a right that your teachers have but you do not?
    The right to vote, right to property, right to consent to medical treatment alone
  • What does the UDHR stand for?
    Universal Decision of Human Freedoms
    Universal Declaration of Human Rites
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Universal Decorum of Human Rites
  • This branch of government CARRIES OUT laws
  • The failed coup d'etat (known as 23F) attempted by the civil guard and military took place in what year?
  • What significant event caused the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
    The Civil War
    World War 1
    The Cold War
    World War 2
  • Who was the first president of Spain as a part of the UCD party?
    Juan Carlos 1
    Torcuato Fernandez-Miranda
    Adolfo Suarez
  • A form of government where one person is the head of state and another is the prime minister. (Think of Spain's government)
    Parliamentary monarchy
  • True or False: Adults and children have the same rights