
Common Idioms: Part 2

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  • Couch Potato
    Someone who sits on the couch watching tv all day
    Someone who eats baked potato on a couch
    Someone who plays hot potato on a couch
    Someone who eats fries on a couch
  • In the Same Boat
    In a canoe with a buddy
    A kayak race
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else
    Row, row, row your boat
  • Cut to the Chase
    To cut Chase's hair
    To talk about the most important part of the story
    To chase a friend
    To cut in line
  • Fat Chance
    When animals fatten up before hibernation
    Something very unlikely to happen
    When farmers fatten up animals before the slaughter
    It will happen tomorrow
  • In the Same Boat
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else
    In a canoe with a buddy
    A kayak race
    Row, row, row your boat
  • Come in Handy
    To be useful in a particular situation
    Not helpful at all
    When a friend comes over to visit
    To hire a handyman
  • Not Rocket Science
    Something that is super complicated
    Not very difficult or too hard to understand
    When you actually hate science
    The study of rockets
  • Speak of the Devil
    When someone you were talking about suddenly appears
    The devil wears Prada
    When you speak a foreign language
    When someone behaves badly in the classroom
  • Be all Ears
    Ears of Corn
    An elephant has big ears
    Dogs have sensitive hearing
    Very keen to hear about something
  • A Dime, A Dozen
    Very common, not valuable
    Money in the bank
    A dozen donuts
  • In the Same Boat
    In a canoe with a buddy
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else
    A kayak race
    Row, row, row your boat
  • Miss the Boat
    I wish I was floating on Lake Tahoe
    Paddle boarding on the Sacramento River
    When you missing floating on the ocean after vacation
    To lose an opportunity by not taking action quickly enough
  • In the Same Boat
    Row, row, row your boat
    A kayak race
    In a canoe with a buddy
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else
  • Face the Music
    Watch a band performance
    Listen to your favorite song on repeat
    To accept criticism or punishment
    Standing front row at a live concert
  • On thin Ice
    In a very risky position
    Ice fishing in Alaska
    Ice skating on a frozen lake
    Sitting in an ice bath after a workout
  • In the Same Boat
    A kayak race
    Row, row, row your boat
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else
    In a canoe with a buddy
  • In a Nutshell
    Cracking walnuts with a nutcracker
    Express something in a short clear way
    Chocolate covered almonds
    Pistachios salted and roasted in their shell
  • Easy Does It
    Math is easy for me
    Not careful at all
    When you don't have to try very hard
    Used to tell someone to do something very carefully
  • Hit the Books
    To give someone a black eye with a book
    To Study Hard
    To use a book as a punching bag
    To play the drums on a stack of books
  • In the Same Boat
    In a canoe with a buddy
    A kayak race
    Row, row, row your boat
    Be in the same difficult situation as someone else