
Present perfect continuous

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  • My brother ___________ a book for 3 hours and still hasn't finished it
    has been reading
  • Please answer the phone. It _______________(ring) for the past five minutes.
    has been ringing
  • She __________ (feel) sick for several days.
    has been feeling
  • How long _____ at this company? ( you/work)
    have you been working
  • We _______________ English for 5 years (study)
    have been studying
  • She is angry because she ____________ for half an hour (wait)
    has been waiting
  • It ______________ hard since last night (rain)
    has been raining
  • My dog is tired because he ______ for hours. (run)
    has been running
  • They _________ (plan) this trip for over a year
    have been planning
  • The children __________________ all afternoon (play)
    have been playing
  • Let’s sit down. I’m tired. We ________________(dance) for hours.
    have been dancing
  • Where were you? I ___________________ you all morning
    have been calling
  • __________________ (you/work) on anything interesting lately ?
    Have you been working
  • We _____________________ cards for the last few hours (play)
    have been playing
  • She _________ ( cook) all day because she’s having a big party tonight.
    has been cooking