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  • What is Taxco Mexico famous for? Silver Mines – Gold Mines – Diamond mines – Gas Fuel Mines
    Silver Mines
  • The national instrument of Mexico is the ......
  • What is the capital of Canada?
  • 1. Which statement is the lie?
    The golden eagle is the national animal of Mexico.
  • Wisconsin is a U.S. state famous for its cream production. True or false?
    False, Wisconsin is a U.S. state famous for its cheese production.
  • Maine is a U.S. state famous for its delicious seafood and lobster dishes. True or False?
  • Where was the 1976 Summer Olympics held? Montreal – Calgary – Québec - Victoria.
  • the capital city of Mexico.
    Mexico City
  • What is the tallest mountain in the United States?
    Mount Whitney
  • What is the largest lake in Canada?
    Lake Superior
  • Who appears on the $1 dollar bill? George Washington - Thomas Jefferson - Abraham Lincoln - Andrew Jackson
    George Washington
  • How many oceans border Canada?
          Canada borders three oceans – the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic.
  • Which Mexican state has the same name as a small breed of dog? Jalisco - Chihuahua -   Yacatan – New Leon
  • What is the smallest volcano in the world? Mauna Loa - Mount Kilimanjaro  - Cuexcomate - Mount Fuji.
    the Cuexcomate
  • The United States is home to ......... and the U.S. film industry.
  • 2. Which statement is the lie?
    Justin Bieber was a Canadian famous singer with the big hit "Baby"
  • What plant is the symbol of Canada?  Apple leaf –  Maple leaf  – Lemon leaf – Watermelon leaf.
    Maple leaf
  • The Missouri River is the longest river in Canada. True or False?
    False, The Missouri River is the longest river in the United States.
  • What is the second-largest country in the world by land area, after Russia?  – The United – Canada - Mexico – Việt Nam
  • Canada is home to the ..... ........, which is found in the Arctic region.
    polar bear
  • Which country has the highest number of millionaires?   China - India – Russia - The United States
    The United States
  • What is United States's national flower?