
Shinn - Practice

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  • adverb
    describes a verb
  • or
    What is the best conjunction for this sentence? "Would you like ice cream _____chocolate cake for your birthday party?"
  • Dependent Clause
    Since last year.
  • personification
    What form of writing is this? The trees danced as the wind blew past them.
  • ode
    an elaborately structured lyric poem praising or glorifying a person, place, thing, or idea
  • A direct comparison of two unlike things that have something in common
  • clause
    I study hard
  • complex
    Because of the rain, the parade was cancelled.
  • A word that brings clauses together.
    What is a conjuction?
  • They're ready for the winter break.
    Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
  • interrogative
    Which type of sentence ends in a question mark?
  • Complex
    The dog ran around the fence because his leash broke.
  • compound
    Our class made $25 at the fundraiser, so we're going to donate it to the food bank.
  • verb
    The boys played basketball. The word played is a...
  • Complex
    Although he searched everywhere, Mr. Brooks could not find the keys to the computer lab.
  • phrase
    in the play Julius Caesar
  • Fragment (incomplete)
    With many pauses.
  • Simile
    "He is as tall as a skyscraper." is an example of...
  • Independent Clause
    Jim reads.
  • noun
  • simple
    I will clean my room on Sunday.
  • person, thing, place, or idea
    A noun is a
  • 4
    I am going to be traveling out of town tomorrow. How many verbs are in the sentence?
  • independent
    Which type of clause can stand on its own?
  • The book landed with a resounding thud.
    Which example is onomatopoeia?
  • Danny and his dinosaur
    What is/are the subject(s) in this sentence? "Danny and his dinosaur played in the park."
  • imperative
    Which type of sentence gives a command, makes a requests, or gives instructions?
  • There computer is brand new.
    Which of the following sentences is written incorrectly?
  • message about life that the author expresses
    The theme of the story is the
  • complex
    Daron cleaned the whiteboard that was covered in last week's notes.
  • verbs
    walk, crawl, run, hop, skip, jump
  • clause
    put it on the shelf
  • played
    Find the VERB: "My sister played with her friend."
  • Extreme exaggeration
  • 3
    We have indoor recess this afternoon. How many nouns?
  • You're going to miss the bus if you don't hurry!
    Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
  • what the story is mostly about
    What is main idea?
  • stanza
    What is the grouping of lines called in a poem?
  • dependent
    Is this an independent or dependent clause? - If the ship arrives in the morning
  • compound
    Darcy stayed home from school on Friday, but she still went to the dance.
  • simple
    What kinds of tricks does your dog do, Darren?
  • Compound
    Josh washed the car, and Paul mowed the lawn.
  • Hyperbole
    "I've told you to clean your room a THOUSAND times today!" is an example of...
  • verb
    All the students finished quickly. The word finished is a...
  • phrase
    to make a good grade on the exam
  • abstract
  • subordinate clause
    unless you finish your homework
  • these
    Which of the following is NOT a coordinating conjunction.
  • Figure
    Idioms are a _________ of speech.
  • him
    Find the PRONOUN in this sentence: "Troy helped him rake the leaves in the park."
  • nouns
    shoes, gloves, mittens, jackets
  • indoor
    We have indoor recess this afternoon. The adjective is...
  • clause
    which I had heard before
  • end
    A suffix is found at the _____ of a word.
  • really
    Last night the homework was really hard! The adjective is...
  • dependent
    Is this an independent or dependent clause? - Because it is cold outside
  • True
    True or False - a simple sentence contains an independent clause.
  • alliteration
    The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words is ____.
  • night
    Last night the homework was really hard! The noun is...
  • Noun
    Our holidays passed too quickly. What part of speech is the word HOLIDAYS?
  • phrase
    written by William Shakespeare
  • I think you're pretty awesome!
    Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
  • phrase
    during hurricane season
  • adjective
    All the students finished quickly. The word all is a...
  • compound
    I batted third in the lineup, and I hit a homerun.
  • describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
    What is an adverb?
  • clause
    Is this a phrase or a clause? - Danny seemed sad.
  • person, thing, place, or idea
    A noun is a
  • clause
    let's go camping this summer
  • I've been reading this book forever.
    Which example is a hyperbole?
  • speaker
    someone who is the voice of the poem
  • We
    We have indoor recess this afternoon. The noun is...
  • something that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted
    concrete noun
  • A comparison of two unlike things that have something in common using "like" or "as"
  • Giving human traits to non-living objects.
  • a belief, judgment or thought about something or someone
  • nor
    What is the best conjunction for this sentence? "She said she doesn't want to eat, _______does she want to drink."
  • metaphor
    "This room is a pit" is an example of a ___.
  • Independent Clause
    Please close the door.
  • Language that is not meant literally, but adds meaning to the text through a variety of ways. i.e similes, hyperbole, metaphor
    What is figurative language?
  • verb
  • An annotation is a note that you make about what you are thinking about when reading a text.
    What is an annotation?
  • Too
    Which is NOT possessive?
  • Onomatopoeia
    "Moo. Boom. Pow." are all examples of...
  • The narrator is a character in the story. We only hear what the narrator/main character is thinking.
  • abstract
  • It doesn't make sense on its own
    How do you know if a clause is dependent?
  • simile
    A comparison between two unlike things, usually with the words "like" or "as."
  • clause
    since he lives in Chicago
  • 2
    What us the minimum amount of independent clauses in a compound sentence?
  • The kitten was so cute I died when I saw it.
    Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?
  • phrase
    faced with so many problems
  • complex
    When I have finished all of my chores, I will sit outside for a while and read.
  • proper
    Cowlishaw Elementary School is a _______ noun.
  • Only subject OR verb
    Which option describes what a phrase has?
  • 2
    marker, draw, colorful, pen. There are ______ nouns.
  • laugh
    Which of these words is a verb?
  • True
    True or False - a complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause
  • His and him
    Find the PRONOUNS: "His cousins went with him to school."
  • was
    Last night the homework was really hard! The verb is...
  • language used to create a special effect or feeling.
    Figurative Language
  • The overall emotion created through a work of literature.
  • What is the main thing the author wants to say?
    Which question would be most helpful for figuring out the main idea of a text?
  • Dependent Clause
    Because the song is pretty.
  • adverb
    Usually ends with -ly
  • The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
  • noun
    Person, place, thing or idea
  • clause
    a girl in my class
  • names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic
    An abstract noun:
  • compound-complex
    What sentence structure is this? - We won the game, but my uniform was muddy because it rained the entire time
  • The person telling the story.
  • onomatopoeia
    Click, crash, boom, snap, sizzle are examples of ___.
  • Allusion
    A reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance.
  • to state in a shortened form
  • Language that appeals to the senses
    Sensory Details/ Imagery
  • 1
    How many independent clauses do simple sentences have?
  • A subject and a verb
    What does a clause HAVE to have.
  • Complex
    As long as she had a book, she didn't care if her friends weren't there.
  • Simple
    The puppy ran and played at the park.
  • Rachel smiled like a Cheshire cat.
    Which sentence contains a simile?
  • Preposition
    I have been studying for two hours. What part of speech is the word FOR?
  • colorful
    marker, draw, colorful, pen. The adjective is...
  • adverb
  • common
    Nike is a proper noun, but shoes are _____ nouns.
  • True
    True or False - a compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction OR a semicolon.
  • declarative
    Which type of sentence makes a statement?
  • clause
    I understand
  • adjective
  • adjective
    describes a noun
  • complex
    When I grow up, I want to be a fireman.
  • verbs
    quickly, slowly, shyly, quietly, loudly
  • complex
    When I get home from school, I'm going to take a nap.
  • the way that a story is organized
    text structure
  • compound
    I want some new shoes, but I haven't saved enough money yet.
  • dependent
    Is this an independent or dependent clause? - If the ship arrives in the morning
  • Subject and verb
    Which option describes what a clause has?
  • simple
    What sentence structure is this? - The chicken restaurant is closed on Sundays.
  • school
    Find the NOUN in this sentence: "The school is so quiet."
  • abstract
    Which type of noun describes an idea?
  • the events that make up a fictional story
  • taught
    What is past tense of "teach"?
  • noun
    The boys played basketball. The word boys is a...
  • Suffix
    A word part added to the ending of a root.
  • Complex
    We enjoyed some cake after we ate dinner.
  • so
    What is the best conjunction for this sentence? "We are in the library, ________we can't watch a movie."
  • simple
    Kelsey, Keith, and Caroline are going to the park after school.
  • Compound
    I came down with a fever, so I stayed home for ten days.
  • We, recess and afternoon
    We have indoor recess this afternoon. The noun(s) is/are...
  • It is a subordinate clause.
    Decide whether the following in parenthesis is a main clause or a subordinate clause: (When I went to work), my dog ate my shoes.
  • phrase
    Is this a phrase or a clause? - in the window
  • the events in a novel, movie, etc
  • clause
    before exams start
  • Johnny
    What is the subject in the following sentence: Johnny played with his dinosaur at the park."
  • Idiom
    Phrases or expressions that don't mean exactly what the words say. There is a hidden meaning.
  • It makes sense on its own
    How do you know if a clause is independent?
  • pronouns
    I, we, he, she, they are special kinds of nouns called...
  • independent clause
    the dog barked loudly
  • Verb
    The storm raged furiously. What part of speech is the word RAGED?
  • clause
    after we discussed it
  • Independent Clause
    No, you can't.
  • complex
    I will make the salad if you will make the lemonade.
  • main idea
    The broad thing that a piece of writing is about is called the
  • abstract nouns
    Which term describes something that you can't touch, but you can still talk about?
  • verb
    The snowman melted in the hot sun. The word melted is a...
  • phrase
    eating ice cream on a hot day
  • Independent Clause
    Why are the students so loud?
  • concrete
    FILL IN THE BLANK: A ______________ noun is a physical thing that can be experienced with the five senses.
  • Adverb
    Are you nearly ready for the party? What part of speech is the word NEARLY?
  • something real or true
  • claim
    The ___ is the main idea of a piece of writing.
  • True
    True or False - a compound-complex sentences contains 2 independent clauses and one dependent clause.
  • Language that goes beyond the literal meaning of words.
    Figurative Language
  • When we went to the fair, (I rode the carousel).
    Pick the answer that has the main clause in parenthesis.
  • before the FANBOYS
    When using a FANBOYS to join two complete sentences, where does the comma go?
  • clause
    what I wish for every day
  • Last
    Last night the homework was really hard! The adjective is...
  • subordinate clause
    when the sun sets
  • Simple
    The puppy and kitten played together.
  • A comparison using like or as.
  • Metaphor
    "He is a shining star." is an example of..
  • noun
    The boys played basketball. The word basketball is a ...
  • Appealing to the senses to help the reader picture what you are talking about.
  • did
    What is past tense of "do"?
  • compound-complex
    What sentence structure is this? - When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina, so my mom is proud of me.
  • phrase
    here is the book
  • adjective
    The snowman melted in the hot sun. The word hot is a...
  • personification
    Giving human qualities to an animal, object, or abstract idea.
  • Compound
    Bring an umbrella today, so you don't get soaked.
  • phrase
    to play guitar
  • tone
    the poet's attitude toward the poem's speaker, reader, or subject matter; mood
  • noun
    The snowman melted in the hot sun. The word snowman is a...
  • Writing that is factual (true), not fictional. This type of writing describe people & places that are 'real' and events that really happened.
  • clause
    will you turn down the music
  • Dependent Clause
    Though she got a B.
  • bumblebee
    Find the concrete noun.
  • clause
    when I get home
  • 4
    I like the pizza we get on Fridays! There are ______ nouns.
  • and
    What is the best conjunction for this sentence? "I would like some apples, bananas______oranges, please."
  • phrase
    my favorite novel
  • stanza
    a group of lines within a poem, usually set off from others by a blank line or indentation
  • Potato
    How do you spell the name of the object in the photo?
  • is nervous about the audition
    Ben is auditioning for a part in the school play. He's been fine all day, but right before the audition he says he feel sick. You might infer Ben_____...
  • compound
    What sentence structure is this? - We went to the park; it was muddy.
  • Dependent Clause
    After the party is over.
  • verb
    I like the pizza we get on Fridays! Like is a...
  • Told from the viewpoint of one of the characters using the pronouns "I", "me", "my", & "we"
    first person point of view
  • compound
    I got in trouble, so I can't go to the party.
  • alliteration
    "Jenny jinxed Johnny's jolly job" is an example of ___.
  • clause
    so I get good grades
  • compound-complex
    If I fail English, I will not graduate, and my life will be over!
  • Adverb
    She spoke loudly at the pep assembly. What part of speech is the word LOUDLY?
  • noun
    I like the pizza we get on Fridays! Pizza is a...
  • Complex
    Bri cannot go to school until she feels better.
  • Kayla
    Find the subject in the following sentence: "Kayla went to school yesterday."
  • True
    True or False: People's names (first, middle, and last) should always be capitalized.
  • Root
    The main part of a word that holds the basic meaning.
  • onomatopoeia
    The use of words which actually sound like the objects or actions to which they refer.
  • complex
    If I want a good grade, I'll have to study more.
  • A reference to a statement, a person, a place, or an event from literature, history, religion, mythology, politics, sports, or science.
  • clause
    please call me soon
  • Its
    Which is possessive?
  • independent clause
    the movie was boring
  • action word
    A verb is a
  • verb
    action word
  • alliteration
    The repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  • adjectives
    Many, few, lots, hundreds
  • compound-complex
    When I graduate, I want to go to college, but first I want to travel.
  • Compound-Complex
    Since he was grounded, he couldn't see or answer any texts, and he felt isolated.
  • have
    We have indoor recess this afternoon. The verb is...
  • independent clause
    here is the book
  • draw
    marker, draw, colorful, pen. The verb is...
  • Free verse
    ___ ___ poetry has no rhyme or rhythm.
  • Prefix
    A word part added to the beginning of a root.
  • Nancy heard the last piece of pie calling her name.
    Which example is personification?
  • metaphor
    A figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unlikely things.
  • Complex
    Because they were late, Gina and Ryan burst through the doors to their seats.
  • The attitude that a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character.
  • subordinate clause
    before the concert started
  • The fire hungrily ate the house.
    Which sentence uses personification?
  • The repeated message (or lesson) in a text that helps the reader understand more about life or human behavior.
  • compound-complex
    What sentence structure is this? - Sarah cried when her cat became ill, but he soon recovered from his affliction.
  • to say that something is larger or greater than it really is; "to stretch the truth"
  • Compound
    I like playing basketball, and my brother likes playing tennis.
  • compound
    The person in the middle is my cousin Josie, and the one to her left is Uncle Timothy.
  • word that describes a noun
    An adjective is a
  • using logic to read between the lines.
    Inferencing means __________.
  • hyperbole
    An exaggerated statement used to emphasize an idea or make a point.
  • A comparison betwee two very unlike things without using the words like or as
  • adverb
    All the students finished quickly. The word quickly is a...