
treasure hunt for halloween

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  • What is the full name of this character?
    Jason Voorhees
  • Who directed the movie "Psycho"?
    Alfred Hitchcock
  • What is the name of the pumpikin carved for Halloween?
  • What's the name of this tool?
  • What are these called?
  • How can we invoke "Blood Mary"
    She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is chanted repeatedly.
  • Who is the main character of the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street"?
    Freddy Krueger
  • Where do the witches make their portions?
  • Search the net and answer what people started the tradition of Halloween?
  • What monsters can you see in the picture?
    scarecrow, witch, vampire, grim (death), mummy, ghost, devil, zombie, werewolf.
  • When was released the first "Halloween" movie with Michael Myers?
  • Why do people dress up in Halloween?
    It was believed that phantoms walked the earth on the night of Samhain, so people would dress up in costumes in an effort to repel the spirits.
  • What is the name of this knife used in horror movies?
  • When is "All Hallows' Day"?
    November 1st
  • How heavy is the biggest Jack-o-lantern in the world accordingly to the guinness world records?
    942.11 kg (2,077 lb)
  • Bloody Mary is also a drink. What is it made of?
    Tomato juice, vodka and celery.
  • What is this?
  • What is this in the picture?
  • What's the name of this movie in English?
  • Who is the actor who plays the famous movie "Hannibal'?
    anthony Hopkins
  • What movie is this?
    Blair Witch
  • When is "dia de Los Muertos" celebrated?
    November 2nd
  • What's the name of this object used in horror movies?
  • When was released the movie "the Exorcist"?
  • What is an activity that usually happens in Halloween? look at the picture
  • During Halloween, what do the children on the picture usually do?
  • What movie is this?
    Friday the 13th
  • The movie "Shining" was very famous. Where is the story taken place?
    In a hotel
  • Search the net and answer: What is Samhain?
    Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year
  • What's the name of this movie?
    The Texas Chainsaw massacre
  • During Halloween, many people go to parties and to ________ house.
  • How high was the tallest scarecrow in the world accordingly to the guinnes world records?
    A scarecrow called `Stretch II' was constructed in Canada on 2 September 1989 and measured 31.56 m (103 ft 6.5 in) in height.