
Spatial categories

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  • Referes to the surroundings or environment in which living beings get on. It can be terrestrial, marine, subterraneous, aquatic or aerial.
  • What is the geographic space?
    It is everything around us. NATURAL and HUMAN components
  • When a place is in constant tranformation that means this place is...
    Always changing
  • "The geographic space is DIVERSE" what does diverse mean?
    Various answers are possible
  • Referes to a portion of the geographic space that is different because of its limits and special characteristics. Ex. The taraumaran (in Chihuahua), the sahara (in Africa), the Mixtec (in Oaxaca)
  • How many components does the geographic space have? Can you mention some of them?
    It has 5 components. Natural, Social, Cultural, Political and Economic
  • Is the geographic space delimited BY HUMANS for survival, identity, security or protection reasons. Ex. Municipalities, States, Countries
  • A site with a specific location that adapts to the man-made transformations is called? Ex. The Eiffel tower, the Grand Canyon
  • Do landscapes ALWAYS stay the same? Explain your answer
    No, landscapes change over time because of many different things such as natural factors and human factors.
  • Bonus question: How can i use the information i learned today in my life?
    Many answers possible
  • It was its own singular aspect, which reflects how each place of the World has a unique view...
  • Guess: Do you know this place?
    It's Altata
  • Bonus question: Mention one thing you learned today?
    Many answers possible