
Poetry Collection

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  • In "Hanging Fire" where is the speakers mother?
    in the bedroom
  • What can be inferred about the speaker’s view of the mother through the use of the repeated phrase in each stanza?
    a considerate parent
    a compassionate parent
    a humane parent
    an unsympathetic parent
  • One theme of "Hanging Fire" is.
    Teenagers still need their parents' support
    Doors closed mean privacy
  • What is the best way to describe the speaker in “Hanging Fire”?
    lonely and overwhelmed
  • in (Hanging Fire), What tone does the poem best express?
  • In “Translating Grandfather’s House,” what has the speaker most likely been asked to do?
    draw a picture of a relative's house
  • "my skin has betrayed me.” What does the word betrayed most likely indicate about the personality of the speaker
    She wishes that she were something other than human.
    She feels that life wants to trouble her.
  • What does choosing and repeating the word "green" most likely indicate about the speaker’s situation in "Translating Grandfathers House?"
    the creation of the drawing is part of his school activity.
    his teacher’s reaction does not make sense to the speaker
  • What does the closed door symbolize in the poem?
    The mother’s heartache for the child
    The neediness of the child
    The child’s nervousness
    The mother’s lack of attention towards the child.
  • Why is it appropriate to refer to “Translating Grandfather’s House” as a narrative poem?
    Its language sounds musical at times.
    It has a plot and other traditional story elements.
  • Which statement presents a main way in which “Hanging Fire” and “Translating Grandfather’s House” are similar in theme (message about life)?
    Both poems focus on the difference between imagination and r
    Both poems focus on the frustrations of young adults/teens
  • When are awakenings most likely to happen
    when you fall asleep
    in the morning when the alarm goes off
  • Why is “Hanging Fire” considered a lyric poem?
    It presents a focused, powerful impression of its speaker.
    It tells a true story about the poet