
Social Studies- My Place in the World

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  • Study of past events is called
  • Name a monument in we talked about
    Will Penn, Wash. Monument, Liberty bell , Statue of Liberty
  • A person who moves to a new country is an
  • If you live in the desert should you drink more or less water.
    more water
  • What island in New York did immigrants arrive at ?
    Ellis Island
  • Name something we do that hurts the Earth.
    cut trees, pollute, dig etc
  • T or F - if you are a citizen of the USA you have the right to vote.
  • A group of people who live and work together are a
  • A person who belongs to a community is a
  • How can you help save the land ?
    plant trees, build parks etc
  • An item from the past is called an
  • What is a monument that immigrants see when they come to Ellis Island ?
    Statue of Liberty
  • T or False : As a citizen it is our responsibility to obey laws .
  • Name a reason someone would immigrate.
    Job, better schools, unfair treatment , freedom
  • The USA has diverse citizens. What does diverse mean ?
  • T or F _ the ways of life for a group of people is called culture.
  • A line or graph that shows the order of events.
  • Why is building parks good ?
    safe place to play, saves the land