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  • The language the Bible was written in during medieval Europe.
  • Name the Sacraments the Catholic Church continued to practice despite reforms.
    Eucharist, Belief in Purgatory, use of Indulgences, and Clerical Celibacy
  • What was the name of the church painted by Michelangelo?
    Sistine Chapel
  • What is another name for the Society of Jesus?
  • Charles V banned the writings of Martin Luther and called him a heretic/enemy of the state
    Diet of Worms
  • The conflict between Catholics and Protestants eased when Charles V allowed the German Princes to choose their religion. This was known as what?
    Peace of Augsburg
  • Who wrote the 95 Theses?
    Martin Luther
  • What does the word Renaissance mean?
    Rebirth (of culture)
  • Who wrote “The Prince”?
    Niccolo Machiavelli
  • the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
  • Who restored Catholicism to parts of Germany and Eastern Europe?
  • Who was the founder of the Society of Jesus?
    Ignatius of Loyola
  • What was the term for when the Catholic church sold forgiveness for money?
    Selling indulgences
  • The denomination that grew out of the break with the Roman Catholic Church after the Reformation
  • What is the Counter-Reformation?
    The response of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation
  • Being saved and delivered from sin is through faith alone and is called what?
  • What is predestination?
    Predestination: belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved (the elect) and who will be damned (the reprobate)
  • what 2 things were decided necessary for Salvation?
    Faith & Good Works
  • Who was the most powerful family in Europe during the Renaissance?
    The Medici Family
  • True or False: Jane Seymour was Henry VIII first wife.
    False: 3rd wife and produce an heir.
  • Martin Luther translated the New Testament into this language while in hiding.
  • Name the 5 groups that made up the council of Trent?
    Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, and Theologians
  • Define Annul.
    To declare invalid
  • What is the most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
    Mona Lisa
  • What was invented by Johannes Gutenberg to mass produce books?
    Printing Press
  • What is Justifcation?
    Justification: process of being justified, or deemed worthy of salvation by God
  • What was the state church of England under Henry VIII?
    Anglican Church
  • What was the definition of the “humanism” concept?
    an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
  • The term that means to dismiss and to deny fellowship to a member of the church
  • Emperor of Holy Roman Empire; Failed to unite empire under Catholicism; Abdicated (gave up) throne
    Charles V
  • What church council reaffirmed the Catholic doctrine?
    Council of Trent
  • The Renaissance focused on secularism as a new concept. What does this term mean?
    The focus on worldly themes, not religious
  • True or False: Women were able to be ministers
    False: Women were excluded from becoming minsters
  • who is John Calvin?
    Protestant who took leadership over Protestantism in Switzerland