
Verb in the Correct Form

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  • If I ................ the homework, I would get into trouble. (copy)
  • We ............ just ................. the presents when the guests arrived. (wrap)
    had ... wrapped
  • After we ................... dinner, we danced all night. (eat)
    had eaten
  • If it rains, we the beach. (not go)
    will not go / won't go
  • For the last six months, he .................. a book. (write)
    has been writing / was writing
  • We'll go out as soon as they ................ here. (be)
  • Penicillin ................... by a Scotsman. (invent)
    was invented
  • Because he looked tired, I told him ........................ home. (return)
    to return
  • You won't learn unless you ................. mistakes. (make)
  • The teacher came in and the lesson ..................... (start)
  • The office .............. every day. (clean)
    is cleaned
  • Pete .................. three hours ago. (arrive)
  • How long ........... she ............... here? (live)
    has ... lived
  • We ......................... English here since September. (learn)
    have learnt / have been learning
  • If I ............... something, I'd ask the teacher. (not understand)
    didn't understand
  • When the band came on, the audience ................. to shout. (start)
  • Paper .............. from wood. (make)
    is made
  • My granddad ......... walk three miles to school when he was a boy. (have to)
    had to
  • That skyscraper ............................ in 1934. (build)
    was built
  • ............ you ever ............... eight hours a day? (work)
    Have ... worked
  • He hurt his hand while he ................. basketball. (play)
    was playing
  • I ................ anything he says. He often tells lies. (not believe)
    don't believe
  • I wanted the teacher ..................... my question. (answer)
    to answer
  • I ................... her since she was a little girl. (know)
    have known
  • I ................ how to play golf by my father. (teach)
    was taught