
The Romans and the Visigoths in Hispania

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  • The Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula from...
  • Where was Columbus born?
    In Italy
  • What is the period of the Middle Age?
    From 476 AD to 1.492 AD (5th - 15th Century)
  • What did the Visigoths adopt from the Romans?
    The Visigoths adopted Roman laws, clothes, weapons, religion, etc...
  • Why did the Roman Empire fall?
    The politicians and rulers of Rome became more and more corrupt. Infighting and civil wars within the Empire. Attacks from barbarian tribes.
  • Tell 2 policies of the Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos)
    They became the head of the army, centralised the power, Married their children with other European royal families, Invested in exploration and expansion...
  • Which Visigoth king converted to Catholicism?
    The Visigoth King Recaredo
  • Why did the Romans come to the Iberian Peninsula?
    They wanted more power over the Mediterranean sea. To spread their empire.
  • Which Visigoth king established "Toledo" as capital city?
    The Visigoth King Leovigildo
  • When does the Middle Age end?
    1.492 AD (15th Century)
  • When was Spain born?
    When Isabel and Fernando got married in 1469
  • What historical event happened in October 12th 1492?
    The Discovery of America
  • The Romans called the Iberian Peninsula
  • Why did the Visigoths come to the Iberian Peninsula?
    Because the ROMANS asked the VISIGOTHS for help against the GERMANIC tribes: Vandals, Suebi, Alans.
  • When do the Visigoths come to the Iberian Peninsula?
    The Visigoths came from Germany, from the 5th until the 8th Century.
  • When does the Middle Age begin?
    From 476 AD (5th Century)
  • Tell two important events that happened in 1492:
    The end of the Reconquista (conquer of Granada) and the beginning of Spain
  • What was Columbus' idea?
    It was quicker to reach India by going West
  • Which Visigoth king conquered the whole Iberian Peninsula?
    The Visigoth King Suintila
  • Name the 3 Germanic tribes that came into the Iberian Peninsula:
    The Vandals, the Suebi and the Alans
  • Which Visigoth king lost "la batalla de Guadalete" against the Moors?
    The Visigoth King Rodrigo