
FF4 Unit 1 They're heroes

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  • What does she do? 25
    She's a doctor
  • Phi công lái máy bay 9
    Pilots fly plane
  • What does she do? 21
    She's a teacher.
  • Ba của bạn trông như thế nào ?5
    What does your father look like ?
  • What does she do? 18
    She's an office worker.
  • What does he do? 24
    He's a pilot.
  • What does he do? 23
    He's a firefighter.
  • What does he do? 19
    He's a farmer.
  • Ngân hàng - Văn phòng - Sân bay- Tiệm bánh 7
    Bank- office- airport - Cake store
  • What do they do? 14
    They're pilots.
  • Lính cứu hỏa chữa cháy 12
    Firefighters fight fire
  • Giáo viên dạy học sinh 11
    Teachers teach student
  • What do they do? 16
    They're doctors.
  • Trạm cứu hỏa- nông trại- bệnh viện - đồn cảnh sát 6
    fire station- farm-hospital - police sation
  • What do they do? 17
    They're firefighters.
  • Bác sĩ giúp người bệnh 13
    Doctor help sick people
  • Có phải bà ấy làm việc ở trong bệnh viện không ? 2
    Does she work in the hospital ?
  • What does he do ? 22
    He's a student.
  • Bà ấy không làm trong bệnh viện - Bà ấy là giáo viên 1
    She doesn't work in the hospital - She's a teacher.
  • Bà ấy làm việc ở đâu ? 3
    Where does she work ?
  • Nông dân trồng lương thực 8
    Farmers grow food
  • What do they do? 15
    They're teachers.
  • What does he do? 20
    He's a police officer.
  • Học sinh học ở trường 10
    Students study at school
  • Bà ấy làm nghề gì ? 4
    What does she do ?