
10 Seconds

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  • Name 3 foods you can eat on the street
    hot dog, sandwich, ice-cream
  • Name 3 music genres
    pop, rock, jazz
  • Name 3 members of your family
    mom, dad, grandma
  • Name 3 things that are yellow
    sun, sand, flower
  • Name 3 famous TV series
    Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Grey's Anatomy
  • Name 3 famous soccer players
    Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar
  • Name 3 holidays
    Christmas, Easter, Winter holidays
  • Name 3 things you do every day
    brush your teeth, eat, sleep
  • Name 3 words ending with -tion
    nation, vacation, creation
  • Name 3 famous actors/actresses
    Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston, Robert De Niro
  • Name 3 countries starting with "B"
    Brazil, Belgium, Bahamas
  • Name 3 adjectives
    long, short, rich
  • Name 3 objects in your house
    bed, desk, TV
  • Name 3 words ending in -ary
    extraordinary, dictionary, scary
  • Name 3 animals you can have as pets
    hamster, dog, cat