
Quantifiably Comparative

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  • Choose a quantifier and describe the class.
    A considerable number of the students are thinking about what to eat for dinner tonight :-)
  • We've had a ______ increase in Scottish people shoplifting in Rimi over the past year.
    fifty per cent
  • Is it correct? A great deal fraud is committed across international borders.
    A great deal of fraud....
  • The _______ of internet users share sensitive information online.
    great deal
    vast majority
    sizeable amount
    huge minority
  • ____ half of our employees have a company credit card.
  • Choose a quantifier and describe your plans for this weekend.
    I'm going to drink a small amount of wine.
  • Look at the graph and complete the sentence: A ___ of our clients prefer a home visit.
    considerable number
    small minority
    small deal
    vast minority
  • A little _____ of all students use the university library regularly.
    over half
    per cent
  • This month's crime statistics are _____ last month's.
    similar as
    similar to
    similar with
    similar from
  • He spent _________ of time dancing with a mysterious man in a red suit.
    twice as much
    a considerable amount
    a sizeable number
  • Virtually _____ of my time at work is spent doing useless tasks.
  • Choose a quantifier and describe the world.
    Eg Fifty per cent of the world's whisky is drunk in Scotland.
  • Choose a quantifier and describe Estonia.
    Eg The population of Estonia is about the same as China...maybe
  • Nearly _______ of my salary ___ on essential items.
    a majority/ is
    three quarters/ are
    three quarters/ is
    less than a quarter/ is
  • Is it correct? Nearly three quarter of job applications contains false information.
    Nearly three quarters of job applications contain false information.
  • Look at the graph and complete the sentence: We sold ______ units in the second quarter.
    double the portion
    half as many
    twice as many
    twice as much
  • Choose a quantifier and describe your day today.
    Eg I made a tiny number of mistakes in my English homework
  • Describe the picture using a quantifier.
    She has a huge amount of work to do.
  • _____ of the fans had drunk too much coffee before the match.
    A handful
    Virtually some