
Reported speech: Other reporting verbs

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  • Liam said to the policeman, “I didn’t mug this old lady.” (DENIED)
    Liam denied mugging the old lady. / Liam denied that he had mugged the old lady.
  • Henry said to Nick, “We definitely must tell the truth” (INSISTED)
    Henry insisted on telling the truth. / Henry insisted (that) they (should) tell the truth.
  • Wendy said to Mrs. Johnson, “Let me feed your cats” (OFFERED)
    Wendy offered to feed Mrs. Johnson's cats.
  • "Do you know how to drive?" John asked Jenny. (WONDERED)
    John wondered if Jenny knew how to drive.
  • Susan said to her mother, “All right, I’ll be back home before eleven” (AGREED)
    Susan agreed to be back home before eleven.
  • John said to Hugh, “It’s time to return the book to the library” (REMINDED)
    John reminded Hugh to return the book to the library.
  • “The delay occurred because of a mechanical problem,” said the information officer. (EXPLAINED)
    The information officer explained that the delay had occurred because of a mechanical problem.
  • George said to Deborah, “ I won’t skate together with you” (REFUSED)
    George refused to skate with Deborah.
  • The film director said to the audience, “Thank you very much for giving me such a wonderful reaction” (THANKED)
    The film director thanked the audience for giving him such a wonderful reaction.
  • Finn said to Pete, “They say you got a university degree. Congratulations”
    Finn congratulated Pete on getting a university degree.
  • Sam said to Mrs. Clarens, “Well, it’s me who put soap into your vegetable stew” (ADMITTED)
    Sam admitted that he had put soap into Mrs Clarens' vegetable stew. / Sam admitted putting soap into Mrs Clarens' vegetable stew.
  • “Well, I ́d like you all to know Emma and I are getting married next summer,” James said to his friends. (ANNOUNCED)
    James announced that he and Emma were getting married the following summer.
  • Val said to Laura, “Hey, come with us to see the sunset” (INVITED)
    Val invited Laura to go see the sunset with them.
  • Paul said to Mrs. Black, “I will never say a bad word about your husband” (PROMISED)
    Paul promised to never say a bad word about Mrs. Black's husband. / Paul promised that he would never say a bad word about Mrs. Black's husband.
  • David said to Andy, “Don’t talk to my sister any more, or you’ll regret it” (WARNED)
    David warned Andy not to talk to his sister any more, or he would regret it.
  • Terry said to Mr. Fandel, “I’m sorry, I damaged your flowerbeds” (APOLOGIZED)
    Terry apologized for damaging Mr. Fandel flowerbeds.
  • Greg said to his brother, “Why don’t we run a race?” (SUGGESTED)
    Greg suggested running a race. / Greg suggested (that) they (should) run a race.
  • Mr. Nil said to his secretary, “If I were you, I wouldn’t wear such striking colours” (ADVISED)
    Mr Nil advised his secretary not to wear such striking colors.