
CLIL-True or False game

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  • It is the subject matter which determines the language needed to learn.
  • In a CLIL lesson, all four language skills should be combined
    TRUE, reading, listening, speacking and writing should be combined in a lesson.
  • CLIL is a method in which a foreign language is used as a tool in the learning of a non-language subject in which both language and the subject have a joint role.”
    FALSE, CLIL has beeen delared as an approach not a method
  • Reading is the essential skill.
  • There is a hard and soft version of CLIL
  • Knowledge of the language becomes the means of learning content
  • A CLIL framework lesson often follows a four-stage framework.
    TRUE: processing the text, identification and organisation of knowledge, language identification, Tasks for students
  • The soft version of CLIL is focused primarily on the subject content and so is content-driven
    FALSE, The soft version of CLIL is one in which the teaching and learning is focused primarily on language and so is language-driven.
  • The material chossen is not essential
    FALSE, the material can be authentic, adapted or specially designed but their role is central.
  • Accuracy is more important than fluency
    FALSE, Fluency is more important than accuracy and errors are a natural part of language learning.
  • There are 3 Cs that represent the principles of CLIL
    FALSE, there are 4Cs: Content, Communication, Cognition and Culture