
ASL Review

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  • What is the longitude?
    It's distance from any point on the Earth to the Greenwich meridian
  • Which direction can longitude be? North / South or East / West?
    East / West
  • Name the two types of imaginary lines
    Parallels and meridians
  • By which element is divided the Earth into two hemispheres?
    Parallels, concretely the Equator
  • Name the four parallels seen in class (except the 0º parallel)
    Tropic of Cancer, tropic of Capricorn, the Arctic polar circle and the Antarctic polar circle
  • Which is the main meridian?
    The Greenwich meridian
  • What is needed when locating any point on the Earth's Surface?
    The geographical network
  • What is the latitude?
    It's the distance from any point on the Earth to the equator
  • Which direction can latitude be? North / South or East / West?
    North / South
  • Which is the main parallel known as 0º parallel?
    The equator