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  • TO PAT
    To touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand.
  • A sewer
    an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.
  • Soot
    a black powdery substance consisting largely of carbon
  • To do something a mile a minute.
    To do something extremely quickly.
  • To give someone lip
    To speak to someone in a way which is rude and doesn't show respect
  • Distress
    extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain
  • Compass
    an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north
  • A person who committed a crime does time in...
  • Hose something/someone down
    To spray with a hose.
  • To burn rubber in your shoes
    To run extremely fast
  • CHUG
    To drink something quickly and in long gulps
    a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement.
    To say something quickly and without thinking.
  • An old flame
    An old lover
  • Crippled
    A rude way of saying 'disabled'
  • Purse
    a small bag
  • To swear on your honour
    (old-fashioned) used to promise very seriously that you will do something or that something is true
  • To make things up as you go along
    To improvise, to not have a plan
  • To be someone's spitting image.
    To look exactly the same.
  • To get fidgety / To fidget
    make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.
  • Yonder
    at some distance in the direction indicated; 'over there'
  • A damsel
    (archaic) A young, unmarried woman
  • To belittle someone.
    To put someone down, or to make another person feel as though they aren't important.
  • To be a ringer for someone.
    To look exactly the same.