
Mix of Tenses

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  • What (you/do) when I (call) you last night?
    were you doing / called
  • He's driving too fast. He (have) an accident.
    is going to have
  • They (live) in Germany when they (be) young.
    lived / were
  • He (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring).
    was / rang
  • At 7 o`clock yesterday evening they (have) dinner.
    were having
  • I (work) at the moment.
    I am working at the moment.
  • When her train (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platform.
    got / were waiting
  • Why (stand) on a chair when I (come) into the room?
    were you standing / came
  • I (not/work) tonight.
    am not working
  • You (not/go) out later.
    aren't going
  • He (walk) down the street yesterday when he (run) into an old friend.
    was walking; ran
  • Julie (sleep) now
    is sleeping
  • He (work) in a bank when he (meet) his wife.
    was working / met
  • When I (walk) into the room, everyone (work).
    walked / was working
  • More and more species (become) extinct nowadays.
    are becoming
  • What (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?
    were they doing
  • When we are old, life (be) easier.
    will be
  • I (not/drink) coffee very often.
    don't drink
  • I have bought a guitar and I (learn) to play it.
    am going to learn / am learning
  • (you/study) every night?
    Do you study every night?
  • (you/play) tennis this Sunday?
    Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
  • I (sit) in a cafe when you (call) .
    was sitting / called
  • Nobody in Jane's team can play basketball this afternoon. They (lose) the match.
    are going to lose
  • -Why are you putting on your coat? -I (go out)
    am going to go out / going out
  • They (not/come) to the party tomorrow.
    aren't coming
  • The Sun (set) in the west.
  • He (take) a shower when the telephone (ring).
    was taking / rang
  • (she/work) at the moment?
    Is she working at the moment?
  • Susan often (go) skiing at the weekend.
  • (you/come) tonight?
    Are you coming tonight?
  • OK, I'm going home. I _____________(give) you a call later.
    will give
  • I can't do my homework tonight. I (watch) a movie.
    am going to watch
  • In the future, people (live) in ecological homes.
    will live
  • Yesterday I (go) to the library, next I (have) a swim, later I (meet) Julie for coffee.
    went / had / met
  • I'm just going to the shop. I _____________ (be) back in a minute.
    will be
  • He normally (eat) dinner at home.
  • (they/work) late usually?
    Do they work late usually?
  • She (buy) 5 books yesterday
  • (you/come) to the cinema later?
    Are you coming to the cinema later?
  • Do you think you _________________(get) that job you applied for?
    will get
  • Don't worry, mum, I promise I (take care) good care of the plants.
    will take care
  • -Look! That car has had an accident. -Oh, no. I (call) an ambulance!
    will call
  • (he/come) to London often?
    Does he come to London often?
  • (he/eat) rice every day?
    Does he eat rice every day?
  • When I (leave) the house, it (snow).
    left / was snowing
  • At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) to music.
    were listening
  • She (talk) on her mobile phone while she (drive) to work
    was talking; was driving
  • I ___________________ (make) some tea when I've finished the washing up. Do you want a cup?
    am going to make
  • He (give) the  baby a bath at the moment.
    is giving
  • He (not/play) golf now.
    isn't playing
  • Susie (watch) a film when she (hear) the noise.
    was watching / heard
  • ________________(do) anything this evening? We're having a party.
    Are you doing?
  • You usually (arrive) late.
  • He (play) tennis now.
    is playing
  • -Did you invite Ann to the party? -Oh, no, I forgot!. I (phone) her now.
    will phone
  • He (be) so annoying! He (always leave) his things everywhere.
    was / was always leaving
  • I expect you'll pass your exams but what (do) if you fail them?
    will you do
  • We (play) tennis when John (hurt) his ankle.
    were playing / hurt
  • She (not/go) to the cinema very often.
    doesn't go
  • He (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start).
    was living / started
  • When you (arrive) at the party, who (be) there?
    arrived / was
  • They (go) to a restaurant every Saturday.