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  • I am happy in the morning. (always)
    I am always happy in the morning.
  • They don't visit the zoo. (often)
    They don't often visit the zoo.
  • I do not drink coffee. (every morning)
    I do not drink coffee every morning.
  • We go to the park. (every day)
    We go to the park every day.
  • Is he late for the school bus?(sometimes)
    Is he sometimes late for the school bus?
  • Timmy is absent from school.(hardly ever)
    Timmy is hardly ever absent from school.
  • Timmy is messy in his room. (hardly ever)
    Timmy is hardly ever messy in his room.
  • You are not in a hurry to finish your lunch. (always)
    You are not always in a hurry to finish your lunch.
  • Sarah does not watch TV in the morning. (always)
    Sarah does not always watch TV in the morning.
  • Do you swim in the pool? (twice a week)
    Do you swim in the pool twice a week?
  • Is Jenny helpful to her classmates?(often)
    Is Jenny often helpful to her classmates?
  • Do you have spaghetti for lunch? (often)
    Do you often have spaghetti for lunch?
  • They are excited on their birthdays. (usually)
    They are usually excited on their birthdays.
  • Do you enjoy playing chess? (sometimes)
    Do you sometimes enjoy playing chess?
  • I am not hungry before dinner.(always)
    I am not always hungry before dinner.
  • They are usually excited on their birthdays.
    They are usually excited on their birthdays.
  • Is she tired after soccer practice? (rarely)
    Is she rarely tired after football practice?
  • The sun rises in the east. (always)
    The sun always rises in the east.
  • Are they quiet during the movie?(usually)
    Are they usually quiet during the movie?
  • We are late for the bus. (never)
    We are never late for the bus.
  • He reads books. (hardly ever)
    He hardly ever reads books.
  • Are you a teacher? (usually)
    Are you usually a teacher?
  • They eat pizza for dinner. (sometimes)
    They sometimes eat pizza for dinner.
  • Are you respectful to your teacher?(always)
    Are you always respectful to your teacher?
  • The moon shines during the day. (never)
    The moon never shines during the day.
  • Does it snow in your town in winter? (every year)
    Does it snow in your town in winter every year?
  • Jenny does not ride her bike in the rain. (usually)
    Jenny does not usually ride her bike in the rain.
  • Do you read the newspaper? (never)
    Do you never read the newspaper?
  • They are not noisy in the library.(usually)
    They are not usually noisy in the library.
  • She dances ballet beautifully. (always)
    She always dances ballet beautifully.
  • You are respectful to your elders.(always)
    You are always respectful to your elders.
  • He does not sing well. (often)
    He does not often sing well.