
Simple Past Tense

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  • Make a question with "What": We played Monopoly last Saturday.
    What did we play last Saturday? Monopoly.
  • Make "Yes/ No" question: He didn't sit in the park yesterday.
    Did he sit in the park yesterday? No, he didn't.
  • Change into affirmative: I didn't blow the candle last night.
    I blew the candle last night.
  • Change into affirmative: They didn't eat instant noodles this morning.
    They ate instant noodles this morning.
  • Change into negative: He sat in the park yesterday.
    He didn't sit in the park yesterday.
  • Make "yes /No" question: She borrowed my pencil this morning.
    Did she borrow your pencil this morning? Yes, she did.
  • Change into affirmative: Agus didn't collected Pokemon cards last year.
    Agus collected Pokemon cards last year.
  • Make a question with "When": I saw Mr Ardhi at Oak Tree last year.
    When did you see Mr Ardhi at Oak Tree? Last Year.
  • Change into affirmative: Monica didn't do her homework last Monday.
    Monica did her homework last Monday.
  • Change into negative: She went to the market last Sunday.
    She didn't go the market last Sunday.