
Brain Breaks

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  • Find an object that is connected to Christmas
  • Run in place for a count of 10
  • Name 5 words beginning with R
  • Find something that beings with the letter 'M'
  • A man stands on one side of a river, and his dog who doesn't know how to swim on the other. He calls his dog who immediately crosses the river without without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?
    The river was frozen
  • What ancient invention, still used today in some parts of the world, allows people to see through walls?
  • Find a rectangular object in the room
  • Name 10 words starting with B
  • Pat your head and rub your belly for 20 seconds
  • Find something purple in the room
  • Touch your toes 5 times
  • Make 5 circles with your arms.
  • What is the collective term for a group of lions?
    A pride
  • Write a word in cursive in the air. Guess what your classmates wrote.
  • Name the top 3 largest Countries by land area
    Russia, China, and Canada
  • Mention all the countries you remember in 15 seconds!
  • Entomology is the study of...
  • Riddle: What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
    Your name
  • In the digital world, what does IT stand for?
    Information Technology
  • What kind of band doesn’t play music?
    A rubber band
  • Spell your name backwards
  • Give yourself a big hug
  • Wiggle your body for 10 seconds