
Anger Management

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  • Name 3 signs in your body that you know that you are angry
    ex. red cheeks, balled up fists, heart beating fast, feeling hot or cold
  • True or false: Anger is a problem when it affects others or causes problems.
  • What are some of your triggers for when you become frustrated or angry?
    Various answers
  • What are 2 unhealthy coping skills?
    Hitting someone, punching a wall, yelling, eating too much, sleeping too much...
  • Why do you think taking deep breaths help calm you down?
    slows down your heart rate and distracts you.
  • Tell about a time that you did not handle your anger very well
  • Have you ever said or done something out of anger that you regret later?
    Open ended question - various answers
  • What are 2 unhealthy ways to deal with anger?
    hitting someone, punching a wall, yelling, eating too much, sleeping too much
  • When was the last time you got angry and what did you do?
    Various Answers
  • Name 2 people in your life that can help calm you down when you are upset
  • Do you make good decisions when you are angry?
  • What are some warning signs that you are getting angry?
    Feeling tense, heart beats faster, thoughts are racing, saying mean things...
  • Tell about a time that you handled your anger very well
  • How can I let someone know that I am becoming upset before I get out of control?
    Ask them to stop, tell them you need a break, take a deep breath and think before speaking...
  • Name 3 things that make you angry- your anger triggers.
    Various answers
  • When you become angry in school what can you do to positively deal with it?
    Various answers
  • Show us your angry face
    angry face
  • Anger can be accompanied by a lot of different feelings. Does anyone know what other feelings might accompany anger?
    Disappointment, worry, embarrassment, jealousy, anxiety, shame, sadness, fear, frustration, guilt, annoyance...
  • What are some strategies you can use when you are starting to feel frustrated or angry?
    Take a break, Take deep breaths, talk to someone, exercise...
  • What are 3 healthy coping skills?
    Ex: Take a walk, breathe, exercise, ask for a break, count to 10...
  • What is something other people do in school that makes you angry?
    Various answers
  • True or false: Anger is normal and everyone gets angry
  • What is something that you can do at home to calm down?
    Various answers
  • True of False:  Anger is a normal emotion.
    True - When something upsets you, it is normal to get upset or feel anger.
  • True or false: Being angry always leads to aggression.
  • Is it ok for you to hit, yell or throw things because you are angry?