
3rd Grade History Test 1

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  • A religious group who settled in Pennsylvania
  • Paul Revere was apprentice to his father as a...
  • The part of the colonial army that used cannons in battle
  • How did King Charles II repay his debt to the Penn family?
    He gave William Penn land in America to start a colony called Pennsylvania
  • A hero of the American War for Independence who warned that the British were planning an attack
    Paul Revere
  • A Native American tribe in the area of Pennsylvania
    Delaware Tribe
  • A colonial missionary to Native Americans
    David Brainerd
  • Who was the first person to come to Christ under David Brainerd's ministry?
    Tatamy, his interpreter.
  • Poet who wrote "Paul Revere's Ride"
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • What trade/job did Ben learn from his brother?
  • This war is also known as the American Revolution or Revolutionary War
    War for Independence
  • An event where Boston colonists threw shiploads of tea overboard to protest high taxes
    Boston Tea Party
  • Colonists who wanted to be free from England's rule
  • The plan of government for the United States
    Constitution of the United States
  • A group formed to protect the rights of colonists against Britain
    Sons of Liberty
  • The man who began the colony of Pennsylvania
    William Penn
  • William Penn hoped that Pennsylvania would be a place where everyone could have....
    Religious freedom
  • Colonists who volunteered to fight at a minute's notice
  • A document that stated the thirteen colonies were free from English rule
    Declaration of Independence
  • What did Ben Franklkn's kite experiment prove?
    That lightning is electricity
  • A printer, writer, inventor, scientist, and signer of the Declaration of Independence
    Benjamin Franklin
  • One who helped form the Constitution of the United States
    Founding Father
  • David Brenerd's interpreter
    Moses Tunda Tatamy
  • A Native American tribe tribe in the area of New York
    Mohican Tribe
  • Why were no soldiers needed in the early days of Pennsylvania?
    The Quakers didnt believe in violence so they had a peace treaty with the Native Americans
  • What two trives did David Brainerd teach about God?
    Mohican and Delaware Tribes
  • "The city of brotherly love" which William Penn planned
  • A person sent to another country to represent his own
  • Ben Franklin found ways to improve the colonies' mail delivery system as the first...
    Postmaster General
  • What little booklet did Ben Franklin write that contained many wise sayings?
    Poor Richard's Almanac
  • How did David Brainerd help the Native American children?
    He started a school, taught them to read and write, taught them English, and taught them about God.
  • The king of England who gave William Penn land in America for a colony
    King Charles II
  • This country aided the Colonies in the War for Independence
  • Why did David Brainerd decide to become a preacher?
    To share the Bible with others
  • Birthplace of Ben Franklin
    Boston, Massachusetts
  • Why did Ben Franklin plan a fire department for Philadelphia?
    To help it become a safer place to live
  • A written agreement that ended the War for Independence
    Treaty of Paris
  • One who translates from one language to another is an....