
Comparing Numbers and place Value

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  • Write the number on the board - nine hundred five thousand
  • what is the value of the 2 - 12,098
    2 thousand
  • 8 __ 8,989
  • 900 __ 90
  • 12,987 __ 129,870
  • 879,989 __ 877,321
  • Write the number of the board - thirty two thousand five hundred five.
  • what is the value of the 6? 231,678
    6 hundred
  • What is the value of the 3? 32,777
    30 thousand
  • What is the value of the 5? 5,432,333
    5 million
  • 6,231,321 ___ 6,333,213
  • 111 ___ 121
  • 113,432,345 __ 113,432,344
  • Write the number of the board - six million five hundred fifteen thousand thirty two
  • 321 _ 231