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  • "Argument" is the synonym for the word...
  • How many meanings has the word "Contest"?
    4 meanings
  • Define the word "Contestation"
    the act of contesting, controversial
  • Form a derivative from the word CONTEST so that it grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text: "Each ... put forth great effort in the cooking competition".
  • Fill in the gaps with the collocation: "I mean, this would be grounds ... in court."
    to contest a will
  • Name all the meanings of the word "Contest"
    1. to argue; debate, dispute; 2. to take part in a struggle; 3. to fight or compete for; 4. if you contest a formal statement, a claim, a judge's decision.
  • What is the meaning of the word "contest" in this sentence? «The company decided to contest the lawsuit filed against them by presenting strong evidence of their innocence».
    if you contest a formal statement, a claim, a judge's decision, or a legal case, you say formally that it is wrong or unfair and try to have it changed.
  • Name the antonym(s) to the word “contest” in the meaning “to argue, to debate...”
    embrace, accept, agree
  • Define the word “contestable”
    capable on being contested
  • Form a derivative from the word CONTEST so that it grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text: "And, as the rise of the country’s right-wing government illustrates, the ... of history are ongoing".
  • Which of the meanings of the word “contest” is the most suitable for the synonym “compete”?
    to take part in a struggle or competition (with or against somebody or something), as to contest a match (a race)
  • What is the meaning of the word "contest" in this sentence? “The athlete is training hard to contest in the upcoming marathon and hopes to win a medal”
    to take part in a struggle or competition (with or against somebody or something), as to contest a match (a race)
  • Fill in the gaps with the collocation: "She decided ... in court".
    to contest the decision