
Famous Americans

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  • Benjamin Franklin's grave is in this city where he signed the Declaration of Independence. a) Boston c) New York c) Philadelphia
    c) Philadelphia
  • Betsy Ross was famous for creating what?
    The American Flag
  • Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. T or F
  • George Washington was called "The Father of His Country. T or F?
  • What number President was George W. Bush? a) 41st b) 42nd c) 43rd d) 44th
    c) 43rd
  • Legendary golfer Tiger Woods is worth approximately how much? a) 500 mil b) 600 mil c) 700 mil d) 800 mil
    d) 800 million
  • Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly assassinated Kennedy in what city? a) Dallas b) New York c) Chicago
    a) Dallas
  • Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in what city? a) Dallas b) Memphis c) St. Louis d) Boston
    b) Memphis
  • Name 3 of this awesome dude's movies
    Titanic, Shutter Island, Django Unchained, Wolf of Wall Street, The Revenant etc
  • George Lucas created what world altering franchise?
    Star Wars
  • In Rolling Stone magazine, what number was Jimi Hendrix in the Greatest Guitarists of All Time? a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th
    a) 1st
  • Elvis Presley was considered the King of ________?
    Rock n Roll
  • Considered the greatest basketball player of all time
    Michael Jordan
  • Gangster Al Capone ran the South Side of what city in the 1920's?
  • Famous for movies such as World War Z and Fight Club
    Brad Pitt
  • Which movie was not directed by Steven Spielberg? a) Jaws b) Avatar c) ET d) Jurassic Park
    b) Avatar
  • Mark Twain's famous book. a) Fight Club b) Tom Sawyer c) 1984 d) Hunger Games
    b) Tom Sawyer
  • Incredible actor Robin William tragically passed away in what year? a) 2014 b) 2015 c) 2016 d) 2017
    a) 2014
  • Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone in what year?
  • Andrew Jackson appears on what paper money? a) $1 b) $5 c) $10 d) $20