
ST4 Unit 6 Idioms connected with the body.

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  • What is the meaning of ALL EARS?
    Fully listening
  • Feel on the top of the world
    To feel very healthy
  • Skeleton in the closet/cupboard.
    If you have a skeleton in the cupboard it means you have are hiding a shocking secret about yourself.
  • Pull one's leg
    Joke or tease someone
  • To stab someone in the back.
    To say nasty things about someone when they are not there.
  • Cold feet
    Nervous just before a big event
  • Break a leg
  • In the blink of an eye.
    Extremely quickly.
  • Be back on your feet
    Recover after an illness
  • Face the music
    Meet, stand up to unpleasant consequences, for example, criticism or punishment
  • By heart
  • See eye to eye
  • Alive and kicking
    In good health despite health problems
  • Play something by ear
    Do something without a plan
  • Get something off one's chest
    Tell someone your problems
  • Cost an arm and a leg
    Be very expensive
  • Back on one's feet.
    Physically healthy again