
Uncle Bobby and the Pirates L3 vocab def

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  • adj. not easy to bend, cut, or break 
    hard 딱딱한
  • n. a talk between two or more people 
    conversation 대화 
  • v. to use your teeth to cut into something 
    bite-bit  깨물다 
  • v. to give someone the chance to take 
    offer-offered 권하다
  • n. something given for good behavior
    reward 보상 
  • adj. containing a lot of something
    full of 가득한
  • n. one of the long, flexible arms of an animal such as an octopus 
    tentacles 촉수 
  • adj. not cook 
    raw 익히지 않는
  • v. to take a quick breath through the mouth because of surprise or shock 
    gasped (gasp-gasped) 헐떡거리다
  • v. to keep someone or something safe; rescue 
    (save-saved) 구하다 
  • v. to allow someone to do something; allow, have permission
    let 허락하다
  • v. to send something through the air by quickly moving your arm; pass, toss 
    threw (throw-threw) 던졌어요.
  • adj. extremely large; gigantic
    giant 거대한 
  • phrase. to drop to a lower position
    fall off-fell off 떨어졌다
  • v. to get away from a place 
    escape - escaped 새 나가다, 탈출해요
  • adv. nearly 
    almost 거의 
  • n. the hard cover of an animal 
    shell 껍질
  • adj. in a situation that is a problem
    trouble 문제가 생긴
  • v. to cause someone to feel troubled; annoy, pester 
    bother - bothered 괴롭히다
  • v. to think of something in your mind
    imagine 상상하다
  • n. an act of saving saving someone from danger
    rescue  부조하다
  • v. to become attached 
    stuck (stick-stuck) 함께 붙어
  • v. to separate something into pieces 
    break-broke 부수하다 
  • n. the evening meal; dinner 
    supper 저녁 식사