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  • If you are 17 years old, you are in your ....
    late teens
  • Make this sentence passive." Karl Benz built the first car in 1885."
    The first car was built by K. Benz in 1885.
  • What is the capital of New Zealand?
    The capital of New Zealand is Queenstown
  • Which religion celebrates Diwali?
  • Someone who regularly travels between home and work is a...
  • Complete the sentence for meeting and greeting. "To ..... hands"
  • Answer this question: "Are you interested in swimming with dolphins?"
    free answer
  • the comparative of GOOD
  • Name 2 multi-word verbs
    free answer
  • Name three items of jewellery
    free answers
  • It's something you wear and it has a hood. What is it?
    a hoodie
  • How many islands are there in New Zealand?
    New Zealand is made up of two main islands,the North island and the south island (and about six hundred smaller ones)
  • make a sentence with a modal verb
    free answer
  • When do you celebrate New Year?
    on the 1st January
  • Name 3 natural materials for clothes
    free answer
  • What is bungee jumping?
    Bungee jumping is an extreme sport in which you jump from a great height, tied to a bungee c o r d .
  • You travel through the water by moving your arms and legs. What sport is it?
  • Correct the sentence:"I'm interested in learn survival skills."
  • Name 3 sports you can do in the air
    free answer
  • the comparative of EXPENSIVE
    more expensive
  • Someone who travels for pleasure is a....
  • What is a "kiwi" (2 things)
    a bird and a fruit
  • Use the right preposition of time. "In China, the Moon festival takes place .... autumn"
  • What are you wearing today?
    free answer
  • what do you do when you meet your friend?
    free answer
  • In what months does the Russian Maslenitsa festival take place?
    The Maslenitsa festival is celebrated by the Russians from February to March.
  • Make this sentence passive. "Horses pulled the buses"
    The buses were pulled by horses
  • You walk long distances. Which sport is it?
  • The price you pay to travel is a ...
  • Use the right preposition of time to complete the sentence. " It's celebrated .... the 15th October"
  • In Thailand, people don't hug or kiss each other when they meet. True or False?
  • If you haven't any brothers or sisters, you are a ....
    only child
  • Which activities can you do in New Zealand?
    You can go hiking,fishing,sailing,kayaking,skiing,snowboarding,mountain biking,bungee jumping,canyoning or swimming with dolphins
  • Complete the sentence:"Do you like dressing .... for special occasions?"
  • What are the basic equipment for camping?
    Map, compass,f irst-aid kit and a tent
  • the superlative of BUSY
    the busiest
  • When might you need to use a map and a compass?
    When I get lost or I want to follow a path
  • You do this in the sea, but without a boat or a sail. What sport is it?
  • Which items do you need to go camping?
    I need to take water bottle, first aid-kit,emergency food supplies,map,compass,waterproof jacket,sleeping bag and a torch
  • Why is the bus fare system in Curitiba easy to understand?
    Because the fare is the same wherever you're going.
  • Which religion celebrates the Wesak festival?
    The Buddhist religion celebrates the W/Vesak festival.
  • Complete the sentence:"I always try clothes ... before I buy them."
  • The superlative of ELEGANT
    the most elegant
  • If your sister is 1, she is a ....
  • Correct the sentence:"Are you good at follow a path?"
  • Compare Rome and Milan by using the adjective BIG.
    free answer
  • what public transport is used in Venice?
    ferry or gondola