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  • How did Aztecs sacrifice people?
    By removing the heart and burning it
  • What is the name of the great Aztec city?
  • What is doomsday?
    The last day of Earth. The day the Earth is destroyed.
  • Why did the Aztecs go to war a lot?
    For precious metals, stones and captured soldiers for sacrifice
  • What is a canal?
    A channel dug by people, used by boats or for farms
  • What did the Aztecs think the Sun did at night?
    Battle darkness
  • When did the Aztecs live?
    From 1325 to 1521 CE
  • How did people get around the canals in Tenochtitlan?
    A canoe
  • What are some things we could buy at an Aztec market?
    sandals, feathers, seashells, turkeys, wood, corn, bananas, pineapples, honeycombs, fabric and slaves
  • What is the name of the great Aztec emperor?
    Moctezuma II
  • What is the Legend of the Five Suns?
    Aztecs believed the sun was created and destroyed four times. They lived under the fifth sun.
  • Why did Aztecs do so much human sacrifice?
    They thought it kept the Sun moving and made their lives good
  • What do Aztec boys learn in school?
    ways to behave and military drills
  • How many residents did Tenochtitlan have?
    Between 150,000 and 200,000 residents
  • How did the nomad Aztecs know it was time to settle and build a great city?
    The Sun God told them to build a city when they saw an eagle with a snake in its beak perched on a cactus.
  • What is the name of the largest temple in the city?
    The Great Temple
  • Who were the teachers at Aztec schools?
    Aztec priests
  • What is an empire?
    A group of territories under one government or one ruler
  • What does "reign" mean?
    the time when a king or queen rules
  • What is a codex?
    An ancient book for keeping records
  • What caused the end of the Aztec Empire?
    Spanish soldiers came and conquered the Aztecs
  • How did the Aztecs keep the dirt good for farming?
    They scooped mud onto the gardens every year
  • What did Aztecs believe was the greatest honor?
    Dying in battle
  • What bad things happened during Moctezuma's reign?
    A drought, a comet, lightning struck a temple, and a ghost walked the streets at night
  • What is a pictogram?
    A picture or drawing for a word or phrase
  • What is religious sacrifice?
    Kill someone/something to please the God