
Chemistry Y8! Part 2 IGCSE

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  • Carbon-14 is written this way, what is the symbol for carbon 12?
    12 | 6 C
  • Describe a test for carbon dioxide gas
    A lighted split extinguishes
  • How would you show that a solution is alkaline?
    Universal indicator changes from green to blue/purple, litmus paper changes blue
  • Name this scientific apparatus!
  • Word equation for nitric acid with calcium carbonate
    calcium carbonate + nitric acid -> calcium nitrate + carbon dioxide + water
  • Name this apparatus!
  • A mysterious Metal X does not react with water or diluted hydrochloric acid. What could this metal be?
  • What material in your experiments this year poses this hazard?
    Potassium, Sodium...
  • An isotope of magnesium has a nucleon number of 26 and a proton number of 12.How many neutrons in one atom of this isotope of magnesium?
  • Why are constant variables important in an experiment?
    To ensure results are fair
  • The hazard this sign shows is...
  • Describe a test for hydrogen gas
    A lighted splint produces a squeaky pop sound
  • When unsure of the reliability of experiment results, you should....
    Repeat the experiment
  • Name this apparatus!
    Round bottomed flask
  • Using the periodic table, find the number of protons in 1 atom of Calcium
  • Another word for unreactive is...
  • An alkaline solution might give a reading of pH....?
    Greater than 7pH