
TreeTrust Mental Toughness 2023

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  • Will you be working outside in winter?
    Yes; bundle up and dress in layers!
  • What state did emerald ash borer originate in?
    South Carolina
  • Why does Tree Trust give you yellow shirts to wear?
    They were cheap, so we bought a bunch of them
    It makes you, and others, more visible
    Bright yellow looks good on you
    Uniforms make everyone look professional
  • If I say a surface is level, what do I mean?
    The surface is straight up and down (vertical)
    The surface is bumpy
    The surface is flat
    The surface can support my weight
  • Duluth, Minnesota is located on which great lake?
    Lake Huron
    Lake Superior
    Lake Michigan
    Lake Erie
  • What is Emerald Ash Borer?
    An invasive beetle that kills ash trees by eating the sapwood
  • How many lakes (bodies of water larger than 10 acres) are actually in Minnesota?
  • Why should you stretch before each work day?
    Stretching helps prevent sprains and strains by making muscles, tendons and ligaments limber
  • What is another tree disease we will work with at Tree Trust?
    Oak Wilt
    German Maple Disease
    Pine Rot
    Apple Scab
  • What is NOT an example of something you might do at Tree Trust?
    Cutting and pulling buckthorn
    Installing windows and hanging drywall
    Clearing tree branches from power lines
    Measuring and cutting
  • Why would I use a T25 screw over a philips #2 screw?
    The T25 is less likely to strip out
    The T25 has a star on it and that looks prettier in wood
    Philips #2 is not a type of screw
    T25 screws are more common and less expensive
  • How old do you have to be to operate a chainsaw at Tree Trust?
    age doesn't matter - it's your attitude
  • Minneapolis is known as the...
    Med City
    Flour Town
    Mill City
    City of Brotherly Love
  • Why is Tree Trust's long term support important? What will Tree Trust do for you once your year of training is finished?
    Tree Trust will help you with school applications, financial aid, building your resume, fees towards earning your license, etc.
  • What is the most common injury in tree care?
    Car accidents
    Slips, trips, and falls
    Tree falling on your head
    Getting caught in a woodchipper
  • What is an example of a positive attitude at work?
    Tony stomps off when the hole he drilled isnt straight
    When Keegan tells Matt to caulk, he takes a lunch instead
    When told to use safety glasses, Will doesn't wear them
    Emily asks for help when she can't find chainsaw bar oil
  • What does it mean to countersink something?
    The screw sits just above the rest of the material
    The screw is 2" below the rest of the material
    To install a skink
    The screw sits in a hole flush with or below the material
  • What city is the Mall of America located in?
  • Tree Trust's main office is in...
    St. Paul
  • If you work at Tree Trust, how will you get to the office from school and back?
    We give you money to take an Uber each day
    You will be picked up in a Tree Trust van
    You will have to walk or take the bus
    Your parent or guardian will have to drive you
  • Why should you wear gloves on the job site?
    So you look cool
    To avoid splinters and increase grip
    So your hands don't get dry and chapped
    To keep your hands warm
  • Why is it important to listen to your trainer at work?
    You might do a project incorrectly
    Your trainer will be able to help if you get frustrated
    You might hurt yourself or somebody else if you don't
    All of these reasons
  • What is the definition of an invasive species?
    A plant that is not native to an environment and becomes harmful by damaging other plants or the environment
  • If I tell you to cut a miter, what do I mean?
    Use another board
    Cut the board in two
    Cut the board at an angle
    Cut the board flat
  • What river starts in lake Itasca?
    St. Croix
  • What is an example of an invasive species?
    Red Maple trees
    Chokecherry trees
    Common Milkweed
  • What does PPE mean?
    Personal Protective Equipment
    Person Protecting Ears
    Peppered Pink Eggs
    Personal Photo Equipment
  • The most common species of tree in Minnesota is the:
    River Birch trees
    Maple trees
    Aspen trees
    Oak trees
  • Why is teamwork important on the job site?
    You will need to work with others in order to get a job done safely and correctly
  • What should you do if you're working with someone you don't like?
    Stay in the group but try and work in a separate area
    Wander off and join another group
    Stay in the group and ignore everything they say
    Tell your trainer that person needs to be in another group
  • What is Minnesota's State Bird?
    A loon
    An ibis
    A cardinal
    A great blue heron
  • True or False: Minnehaha falls is the only natural waterfall on the Mississippi river
  • What happens if you don't wear Personal Protective Equipment?
    You won't be in any pictures
    You're taken back to school
    You're not allowed to work on the jobsite until you do
    You're fired
  • How can you identify buckthorn?
    Thorny branches; Oval, dark green leaves pointy at the tip
    Branches with thorns 2" long, small red berries
    Over 20' tall; has black small black berries
    6" high shrub; leaves stay green until late winter
  • The Stone Arch Bridge is in which Minnesota city?
  • Where do you get protective equipment to wear on the job site?
    You have to buy it
    You have to ask someone who's already done Tree Trust for it
    On the first day we take you shopping to get it
    Tree Trust provides it
  • What does it mean to be punctual?
    You use appropriate language
    You don't wear deodorant
    You show up to work on time or a little early
    You do something that gets you fired
  • All of these are reasons we use screws in our benches instead of nails EXCEPT:
    We have more screws than nails in the shop
    Screws are usually better in weight bearing structures
    Screws have better holding power than nails
    Screws are easier to remove than nails
  • What is NOT true about working at Tree Trust?
    You earn money for working and going to school
    You get free lunches every Monday
    You earn industry recognized credentials
    You get one year of job coaching after your year of training
  • If you wear prescription glasses, do you still have to wear safety glasses?
  • Why is it important to communicate on the jobsite?
    So others know what you're doing, to make sure everyone is safe, etc.
  • What are the two trades you learn at Tree Trust?
    Carpentry and Tree Care
  • Why are industry recognized certificates important?
    They get you a free meal at Pizza Hut
    They make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside
    They show potential employers you have mastered a skill
    They automatically get you a job
  • What does a speed square (sometimes called a builder's square) help you do?
    You can use a speed square to ensure that material is at a right angle, to make straight cuts on boards, to find angles, to lay out stair stringers, etc.
  • If you work at Tree Trust, you will be expected to do all of these EXCEPT:
    Know the names of tools and how to use them before you start
    Have a positive attitude and be willing to learn
    Work hard and be willing to try new things
    Show up on time