
Historical Sources

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  • Who tries to find out what happened in the past?
  • What type of source are folk tales, songs, poems, beliefs, customs?
    oral and secondary
  • History helps us to learns the lessons from our
  • Writing developed around _______________ years ago
  • A photograph of the Mona Lisa painting
    Iconographic and secondary
  • what does the word History contain?
  • A text book of biology
    Written, documentary, and seconday
  • Gossip from a classmate
    Oral and seconday
  • A novel from Edgar Allan Poe, second edition
    Written, literary, and secondary
  • The silly boy told the teacher "Mommy" - Is the sentence biased? Why?
    Yes, because it gives a prejudice against something
  • A story told by your grandparents that they experienced
    Oral and primary
  • A human bone, from 3500 years old, found while constructing a restaurant
    Material and primary