
Gold Experience C1 - Unit 2 Review

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  • Our teacher often tends (give) ______ us an essay to do over the weekend.
    to give
  • What do you want (check) before submitting the assignment?
    to check
  • My brother is forever putting off (do) ________ his homework until the very last minute.
  • Does organising the party mean (buy) all the food?
  • I regret (say) that your application has been unsuccessful.
    to say
  • We’re told that (sleep)__________ for too long can be as bad as not (sleep) ________enough as both make us feel tired.
    sleeping/ sleeping
  • It looks like the storm has moved north. (APPEARS) => The storm.... north. `
    The storm appears to have moved north.
  • The runner just failed (realize) _______ his ambition of breaking the 200-metre record.
    to realize
  • Wake me up at 7.30, please – I can’t risk (be)_________ late.
  • We had to delay our plans (travel)________ to Iceland.
    to travel
  • Mark seems (disappear)___________! Any idea where he’s gone?
    to have disappeared
  • When I’d finished the four exercises, I discovered another two on the other side of the page! (ONLY)=> I finished the four exercises.......
    I finished the four exercises only to find another two on the other side of the page!
  • This assignment wants (check) for spelling.
  • This magazine article warns us not (tempt)________ by the lure of crisps and chocolate between meals.
    to be tempted
  • Good revision is all about (manage) _________ your time efficiently.
  • If you take supplements, you might get some more energy. (TRY) => Why don't you ....
    Why don’t you try taking some supplements to get some more energy?
  • Did you mean (send) that email to her?
    to send
  • I can’t forget (feel)_________ humiliated when Gary made me (look)__________ small in front of my new colleagues.
    feeling/ look
  • I tried (not / laugh) at my dad’s English pronunciation, but I couldn’t stop myself!
    not to laugh
  • We aim (arrive) before it gets dark tomorrow.
    to arrive
  • I regret (tell) you what happened – you’ll never let me forget now.
  • Advertisements often tempt us (spend)_____ more money than we can afford
    to spend
  • ‘Mark, don’t let your biology results discourage you,’ the teacher said. (HIMSELF) => The teacher told Mark ...... by his biology results.
    The teacher told Mark not to let himself be discouraged by his biology results.
  • Try (restart) the computer and that may fix it.