
CAR Ch 2

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  • An event is probably a pride experience for you if you want to tell people which of the following?A) I wish I could do that! B) I'm glad I never have to do that again! C) My parents made me do it! D) I did it myself!
  • Five major characteristics that can be used to describe everyone's personality A) Belbin's Team Roles B)Big Five Theory C) Holland's Career Types D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • What are groups of people who tend to think and act in similar ways called? A) career types B)personality types C) personality TIPs D)career roles
  • Personality traits and personality types are completely unrelated to each other. Is this statement true or false?
  • Nine groups of people who tend to contribute to groups in predictable ways A) Belbin's Team Roles B) Big Five Theory C) Holland's Career Types D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • All of Marcia's friends and relatives tell her about their personal problems because she listens so well and is good at making them feel better. This shows Marcia has strong skills with A)people B) information C)things D) all of
  • When talking about job skills, the letters T, I, P (TIP) stand for Things, Ideas and Information, and People. Is this statement true or false?
  • A single online career test is all you need to pick out the right job. Is this statement true or false?
  • Sixteen groups of people who share similar patterns of four different traits A)Belbin's Team Roles B)Big Five Theory C) Holland's Career Types D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • It is possible to have some skills that you do not actually enjoy very much. Is this statement true or false?
  • Jobs, as well as people, can be categorized using Holland's career types. Is this statement true or false?
  • Which trait does not contribute to your Myers-Briggs type? A) Agreeing-disagreeing B)introversion-extraversion C)judging-perceiving D)thinking-feeling
  • Most people are only interested in doing things that they are really good at. Is this statement true or false?
  • A plant is someone who joins a work team in order to spy on team activities for a competing company or team. Is this statement true or false?
  • Antonia asks herself what she most often does when she has free time and what her favorite subject is in school. What is Antonia trying to figure out? A)her skills B) her interests C) her TIPs D) all of these
  • Your skills are the things you like to do? True or false?
  • Six groups of people with similar interests, skills, and values A) Belbin's Team B) Big Five Theory C)Holland's Career Types D) Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorRoles
  • John's team often makes PowerPoint presentations to new clients. John is interested in machines, how does he help out during presentations? A)set up computer & projector B) greet & make the client comfortable C) does research about client
  • Luisa has started up four different companies and served as the top manager of all of them. What is her strongest Holland career type? A) realistic B) enterprising C) investigative D) conventional
  • Scott just started a new job that requires many of the same organizational and communication abilities as his last job. What are Scott's abilities called? A)Big Five B) career types C) transferable skills D)type indicators
  • Charles loves being around groups of children and is really good at helping them learn things. What is his strongest Holland career type? A) enterprising B) investigative C) artistic D) social
  • Wren took an online test that scored in the areas of conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, emotional stability, and introversion-extraversion. What did this test? A)job skills B)team roles C)personality traits D) careers
  • Few, if any skills can be used in more than one job situation. Is this statement true or false?
  • Victoria is an expert at a particular kind of computer programming that a new software team will be using. What is her strongest Belbin role on this team is? A) specialist B) completer/finisher C) coordinator D) shaper
  • The letters that make up Myers-Briggs type code stand for your four strongest teamwork skills. Is this statement true or false?
  • Which core skills does a person need to be an effective member of a work team? A)communication skills B) organizational skills C) interpersonal skills D) all of these skills
  • Knowing several words that positively describe your personality traits can be helpful when interviewing for jobs. Is this statement true or false?