
Grade 10 - Welcome to HSSH

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  • A family that has MORE THAN 2 generations living under the same roof is called ________.
    Extended family
  • What do you have to wear on every school day in HSSH ?
    Uniform or Student ID/Student card
  • The parent who takes care of household issues is HOMEMAKER, the parent who is in charge of making money to support his/her family is called _________.
  • (20 seconds) Describe your class in 5 adjectives start with O
    E.g: Outstanding/ Open-minded/ Optimistic / Original/ Omnipotent/ Optimistic /...
  • Name 5 synonyms of the adjective "IMPORTANT" in 20 seconds
    crucial, essential, necessary, vital, imperative, ...
  • How many September babies are there in your class
    Check the answer with the class as a whole :D
  • What is the name of HSSH school anthem ?
    "Nơi ươm mầm những tài năng"
  • Choose word with CLOSEST meaning - We’re surprised to hear that his musical talent was NURTURED by their loving parents when he was a child. (abandoned/ fostered/ restricted / cooperate)
    Nurture: nuôi dưỡng / nuôi nấng ( = foster)
  • (Fill a correct verb in the gap) Both parent should ___________ hands in homemaking, childrearing and bringing home the bacon.
  • the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area is D_______________.