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  • Write in English: A professora gosta de cachorros. Ela tem dois cachorros e um gato.
    The teacher likes dogs. She has two dogs and a cat.
  • Write in English: Você come pão com queijo no café da manhã?
    Do you eat bread with/and cheese for breakfast?
  • Change into negative: We like books about dogs.
    We don't like books about dogs.
  • Change into negative: I want to play this game.
    I don't want to play this game.
  • Change into interrogative: You speak French with your teacher.
    Do you speak French with your teacher?
  • Do you study English at school?
    Yes, I do. I study English at school.
  • What do you prefer: chocolate or ice cream?
  • Change into interrogative: I study English at school.
    Do you study English at school?
  • Write in English: Eles têm muitos animais de estimação.
    They have many pets.
  • Change into negative: Vitor Joaquim likes Flamengo:
    Vitor Joaquim doesn't like Flamengo.
  • My favorite subject is__________.
  • Complete with "a" or "an": I don't have ____ umbrella.
    an umbrella.
  • Complete: I like to go to __________ on weekends.
  • Write in English: Eu tenho que dormir agora.
    I have to sleep now.
  • Write in English: Eu quero um computador novo.
    I want a new computer.
  • Write in English: Quando você estuda inglês?
    When do you study English?
  • Complete: I have study now, but...
  • Change into negative: I speak Portuguese.
    I don't speak Portuguese.
  • What languages do you speak?
    I speak Portuguese...
  • Write in English: Aonde você tem que ir agora?
    Where do you have to go now?
  • When do you have English classes at Wizard?
    I have English classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.