
Solutions - Intermediate - Unit 5 Technology

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  • Can you show me how to ______ a video clip? I want to watch it on my tablet offline.
  • Right, let's get started on the project. First, ______ a new document.
  • What do you use a computer for? Name three things.
  • Ok, don't forget to ____ your work before we leave. You don't want to lose it, do you?
  • How can you stay safe online? Give three ideas.
  • I think it's further down the page, ______ _____ and look for it!
    scroll down
  • If you want to play the video game, you'll have to _______ it first.
  • What's the name of this social media? What can you do on it?
  • That's a great picture, why don't you ______ it to insta?
  • I'd like to see the email, can you _____ it to me?
  • I think his videos are great so I ________ to his channel
    will subscribe
  • The food was terrible, I'll make sure I ____ it so people know it's bad!
  • In my IT class we're learning how to ______ a simple game.
  • If you want to use that picture in your presentation, just ____ and _____ it.
    copy and paste
  • If you want to login you'll have to _____ _____ ______ and email.
    enter your password
  • If you want more information, just click on the _____ to see our new website.