
Clauses of Contrast and Purpose

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  • Even though she lost a lot of money, she continued to gamble. (in spite of + noun)
    In spite of her loss of a lot of money, she continued to gamble.
  • I like Sarah though she annoys me sometimes. (in spite of)
    I like Sarah in spite of her annoying me sometimes
  • _________ she was 85 years old, she won the marathon
    Even though / Although
  • I took a map with me so as not to get lost. (so that)
    I took a map with me so that I wouldn't get lost
  • _______ her success, she was still unhappy
    Despite / In spite of
  • She did not get the job despite her lengthy professional experience. (although)
    She did not get the job although she had lengthy professional experience
  • _________ being the smartest in the class, he dropped out of school
    Despite / In spite of
  • It was a good movie though the music was a bit too loud. (despite)
    It was a good movie despite the music being too loud
  • _________of the fact that the students never did any homework, they all got 100% on their test
    In spite
  • In spite of the fact that she was extremely tired, she got up to feed the baby. (In spite)
    In spite of being extremely tired, she got up to feed the baby.
  • She went on a date even though she had COVID (in spite of)
    She went on a date in spite of having COVID
  • I went to work even though I wasn’t feeling well. (in spite of)
    I went to work in spite of not feeling well
  • They continued to play outside even though it was cold. (despite + noun)
    They continued to play outside despite the coldness
  • The teacher partied on Wednesday night despite having work the following morning. (even though)
    The teacher partied on Wednesday night even though she had work the following morning
  • You should drive the speed limit _________ get a fine
    in order not to
  • Although he promised to arrive on time, he was fifteen minutes late. (despite)
    Despite promising to arrive on time, he was fifteen minutes late.
  • Despite the heavy rain, they continued to play outside. (Even though)
    Even hough it was raining heavily, they continued to play outside.
  • She got her drivers license ________ she’s a terrible driver
    although / though / even though
  • I got a working holiday visa so that I could work as much as I want to. (in order to)
    I got a working holiday visa in order to work as much as I wanted
  • She went out with that guy even though he was really ugly. (despite + noun)
    She went out with that guy despite his ugliness