
Context Clues

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  • What does the word "persuade" mean in this sentence? The students persuaded their teacher to accept their late assignment.
  • What does the word "exhibit" mean in this sentence? The students exhibited great excitement when they realized how many days until summer break.
    exhibit (verb): showed, demonstrated, displayed
  • What does the word "elaborate" mean in this sentence? The wedding cake had an elaborate design, and the baker had worked on it for hours.
    Elaborate (adjective): carefully arranged, detailed, complicated
  • What does the word "sufficient" mean in this sentence? I got a sufficient amount of sleep last night.
    Enough, adequate, satisfactory
  • What does the word "frequently" mean in this sentence? Ms. Elliott frequently falls asleep during movies, so she seldom goes to the movie theater.
    often, regularly
  • What does the word "lethargic" mean in this sentence? He was lethargic after Spring Break and didn't have the energy to get out of bed.
    tired, sluggish, lazy
  • What does the word "precede" mean in this sentence? The lightening preceded the loud thunder.
    come first, go before.
  • What does the word "illegible" mean in this sentence? The student's handwriting was illegible, and the teacher had trouble reading it.
    Not clear enough to be read; scribbled
  • What does the word "unanimous" mean in this sentence? The response was unanimous – the students wanted pizza in class.
    complete agreement by all
  • What does the word "relevant" mean in this sentence? Your teacher loves when your comments and questions are relevant to the lesson.
    fits with the subject or idea, appropriate, applicable
  • What does the word "seldom" mean in this sentence? Ms. Elliott frequently falls asleep during movies, so she seldom goes to the movie theater.
    Rarely happens
  • What does the word "elaborate" mean in this sentence? The teacher told the student that he needed to elaborate on his ideas because his paper was only 2 sentences long.
    Elaborate (verb) : to add more details
  • What does the word "exhibit" mean in this sentence? She was excited to see the new exhibit at the museum.
    exhibit (noun): an object or collection of objects on public display in a gallery or museum
  • What does the word "concise" mean in this sentence? The teacher told the class to provide a concise summary of the book.
    short, brief
  • What does the word "obstacle" mean in this sentence? He could not avoid the obstacle in the road and had to call for help.
    Something in the way, block, barrier
  • What does the word "generate" mean in this sentence? Generate a list of your favorite restaurants.
    produce, make, create
  • What does the word "flabbergasted" mean in this sentence? The teacher was flabbergasted by her students' knowledge. She didn't know that they knew a lot about the world around them!
    Amazed, surprised, shocked
  • What does the word "alter" mean in this sentence? He needed to alter his pants because they were too long.
  • What does the word "incentive" mean in this sentence? My sister offered me ice cream as an incentive for cleaning her room.
    Something that motivates you to do something; a motivator