
Qualities - PA1 (Expansion 1) (Unit 5)

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  • Intuitive
    Having a good perception of people's feelings and intentions
  • Easygoing
    A nice person who gets along with everyone
  • Moody
    Temperamental, unstable
  • Irresponsible
    Not capable or not capacle of willing to take up any responsibility
  • Loving
    Warm, affectionate, caring
  • Narrow-Minded
    Not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind
  • Reliable
    Someone who can be trusted
  • Bossy
    Authoritative, having the habit of ordering people around
  • Greedy
    Having a great desire for money, profit, sometimes even food and drink
  • Sarcastic
    Very ironical and having an acid sense of humor
  • Sociable
    Friendly and good with people
  • Egocentric
    Considering yourself the center of everything