
Fill in the blanks.

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  • if you think our biggest problem is market share then you have ____________________________.
    got the wrong end of the stick
  • Some important decisions were taken at yesterday's meeting. Let me ____________________________.
    get straight to the point
  • I think we're ____________________________. I mean next month, not this month.
    getting our wires crossed/ getting the wrong end of the stick/ talking at crossed purposes
  • It's a very complicated system, but to ____________________________ it works exactly like a big kettle.
    put it in a nutshell
  • This report makes no sense at all. I ____________________________.
    can't make head or tail out of it
  • ____________________________ that he's been fired, Is that true?
    I heard it on the grapevine
  • OK, I'll _____________________. I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go.
    put you in the picture
  • "You and your boss seem to agree on most things." "Yes, we are ____________________________."
    on the same wavelength
  • He never gives you a straight answer. He's always __________________________.
    beating about the bush
  • Everyone arrived for the meeting at different times. We must have ____________________________.
    beaten about the bush.