
prepare 2

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  • You are tired in the morning.(never)
    You are NEVER tired in the morning.
  • Football is boring. I love it! (never)
    Football is NEVER boring. I love it!
  • Carlos goes sailing at the weekend. (often)
    Carlos OFTEN goes often sailing at the weekend.
  • Do they watch sometimes TV in the evening? (sometimes)
    Do they SOMETIMES watch sometimes TV in the evening?
  • I am never / never am at home at the weekend.
    I am never at home at the weekend.
  • I go skating with my sister on Saturday.(always)
    I ALWAYS go always skating with my sister on Saturday.
  • We are very happy when our team wins. (ALWAYS)
    We are ALWAYS very happy when our team wins.
  • My family plays usually baseball together in the summer.(usually)
    My family USUALLY plays usually baseball together in the summer.